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Wayshot is a native screenshot tool for wlroots based compositors such as sway or river written in Rust. Website: https://waycrate.github.io/wayshot/ - Code of Conduct: - More from Waycrate: #waycrate-tools:matrix.org8 Servers

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4 Jan 2024
@shootingstardragon:matrix.orgshootingstardragon🇺🇦 qml mainly do with the property system of qt, and the signal system of qt. https://github.com/waycrate/waycratelock/blob/master/src/MediaPlayerBackend.h#L33-L39 you can mark property in cpp like this , and this can be used in qml. I think qml is used to draw ui, and cpp do logic, in a qml project. and maybe you need to take a look at qt model system. and maybe need to take a look at the examples of qt I think 13:49:24
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Thank you decode! 14:21:18
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.org joined the room.18:52:01
$ wayshot -V
wayshot 1.3.0

any time i use wayshot to take a screenshot, the screenshot fails to save anywhere, and my display turns white. pressing keys will toggle this full-white state on and off. this renders the tool effectively broken.

to be clear, this happens when running wayshot -s "$(slurp)", although i've confirmed slurp is not the issue here as i experience the same thing when running slurp on its own (which works without issue) and then manually passing the geometry to wayshot.

i'm new to wayland (and nixos, my host, if that's useful), but i presume this may be due to a bug with my specific compositor (river), so i'll leave this information here:

$ river -version

$ rivertile -version
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.org *
$ wayshot -V
wayshot 1.3.0

any time i use wayshot to take a screenshot, the screenshot fails to save anywhere, and my display turns white. pressing keys will toggle this full-white state on and off (sporadically). this renders the tool effectively broken.

to be clear, this happens when running wayshot -s "$(slurp)", although i've confirmed slurp is not the issue here as i experience the same thing when running slurp on its own (which works without issue) and then manually passing the geometry to wayshot.

i'm new to wayland (and nixos, my host, if that's useful), but i presume this may be due to a bug with my specific compositor (river), so i'll leave this information here:

$ river -version

$ rivertile -version
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.org *
$ wayshot -V
wayshot 1.3.0

any time i use wayshot to take a screenshot, the screenshot fails to save anywhere, and my display turns white. pressing keys will toggle this full-white state on and off (sporadically). this renders the tool effectively broken.

to be clear, this happens when running wayshot -s "$(slurp)", although i've confirmed slurp is not the issue here as i experience the same thing when running slurp on its own (which works without issue) and then manually passing the geometry to wayshot.

i'm new to wayland (and nixos, my host, if that's useful), but i presume this may be due to a bug in interaction with my specific compositor (river), so i'll leave this information here:

$ river -version

$ rivertile -version
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.org *
$ wayshot -V
wayshot 1.3.0

any time i use wayshot to take a screenshot, the screenshot fails to save anywhere, and my display turns white. pressing keys will toggle this full-white state on and off (sporadically). this renders the tool effectively broken.

to be clear, this happens when running wayshot -s "$(slurp)", although i've confirmed slurp is not the issue here as i experience the same thing when running slurp on its own (which works without issue) and then manually passing the geometry to wayshot.

i'm new to wayland (and nixos, my host, if that's useful), but i presume this may be due to a bug in wayshot's interaction with my specific compositor (river), so i'll leave this information here:

$ river -version

$ rivertile -version

please let me know if there's any additional information you need to help debug, or push me in the right direction.

In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io
Oh also, we have a slurp alternative now that we can hook into! If you're interested in checking it out: https://github.com/waycrate/waysip
why would this be preferable to slurp?
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith This is interesting. I use river for development of wayshot 19:19:05
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith If anything river is first party supported haha even though we don't use such a concept 19:19:19
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Interesting. Let me do some testing and get right back to you 19:19:31
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Can we get some debug logs? 19:19:35
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Send a pkill to wayshot from a tty when the bug occurs 19:19:44
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith More choices, freedom to choose whatever you want. Our tools can be programmatically invoked which makes it easy to get some already implemented features in other apps. Your app wants area selection / screenshot? Just use our library, it handles all the low level stuff

That's sort of the ideology
In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io
Can we get some debug logs?
that doesn't appear to stop the issue, but quitting and restarting river does.
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.orger, sorry, wrong message19:21:44
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.org pkill wayshot kills the process, but the issue persists until i quit river 19:21:55
@sudoforge:matrix.org@sudoforge:matrix.orgre: debug logs, i'm not seeing a flag to enable those19:22:10
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Hm. Okay can you invoke debug flags, redirect log to a file and then quit river? 19:22:18
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith That will atleast give us some idea 19:22:24
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith That sounds like an issue with slurp / river but I won't jump to conclusions 19:22:41

can you invoke debug flags

there's no manpage and nothing in --help tells me how to enable debug flags.

@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Hold on, I'll give you a command to exec 19:23:15
In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io
That sounds like an issue with slurp / river but I won't jump to conclusions
it is decidedly not an issue with slurp; as i mentioned, i have tested manually passing geometry to wayshot and experience the same thing. it's possible it's river, though.
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Ah sorry, I forgot about that 19:25:00
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith I have the exact same setup as you, but on alpine linux and I cannot reproduce your issue.

I used NixOS till day before yesterday and everything worked fine there too
In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io
That sounds like an issue with slurp / river but I won't jump to conclusions

it is decidedly not an issue with slurp; as i mentioned, i have tested manually passing geometry to wayshot and experience the same thing.

in theory, it's a river issue (because it persists after killing the wayshot process), but this only occurs when invoking wayshot, so i'm a little bit lost as to which application is really at fault

@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith What kind of display configuration do you have ? 19:25:47
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Does grim work for you? 19:26:12
In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io
What kind of display configuration do you have ?

can you clarify what you mean?

i'm on a laptop, with a single, native display, no external displays.


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