
Kodi Linux

22 Members
Linux chat for Kodi Bridged to #kodi-linux on libera5 Servers

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10 Jul 2023
@JayC:libera.chat@JayC:libera.chat joined the room.22:00:42
11 Jul 2023
@JayC:libera.chat@JayC:libera.chat left the room.03:25:19
@JayC:libera.chat@JayC:libera.chat joined the room.03:25:52
@donhw_:libera.chat@donhw_:libera.chat joined the room.15:34:52
12 Jul 2023
@woprr:libera.chat@woprr:libera.chat left the room.01:02:21
@woprr:libera.chat@woprr:libera.chat joined the room.01:10:48
13 Jul 2023
@}8]:libera.chat@}8]:libera.chat lrusak - does your newest gbm commit fix the problem where every now & then when you play a video, the video turns off completely, like the video driver got unloaded? it can be fixed by stopped and restarting the video. dunno if that bug was ever reported? 19:04:40
@}8]:libera.chat@}8]:libera.chatahh ok20:09:56
@}8]:libera.chat@}8]:libera.chatill try to remember to get a log the next time it happens20:10:34
@}8]:libera.chat@}8]:libera.chatit doesnt happen a lot but occassionally20:11:06
@al_:libera.chat@al_:libera.chat joined the room.20:44:09
14 Jul 2023
@lesbraz:libera.chat@lesbraz:libera.chat joined the room.15:07:10
@lesbraz:libera.chat@lesbraz:libera.chat left the room.15:07:14
16 Jul 2023
@troglodi1o:libera.chat@troglodi1o:libera.chat joined the room.08:49:16
18 Jul 2023
@neoromancer:matrix.orgNeoromancer left the room.09:23:47
@wolfgang8741:matrix.orgwolfgang8741 joined the room.17:48:35
@Reiner_Unsinn:libera.chat@Reiner_Unsinn:libera.chat left the room.17:48:48
@Reiner_Unsinn_:libera.chat@Reiner_Unsinn_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:48
@JayC_:libera.chat@JayC_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:48
@troglodito:libera.chat@troglodito:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@donhw_:libera.chat@donhw_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@michele_:libera.chat@michele_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@chewitt:libera.chat@chewitt:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@al_:libera.chat@al_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@Nei_:libera.chat@Nei_:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@donhw:libera.chat@donhw:libera.chat left the room.17:48:49
@rsx:libera.chat@rsx:libera.chat left the room.17:48:50
@Kaladin:libera.chat@Kaladin:libera.chat left the room.17:48:50
@Kal:libera.chat@Kal:libera.chat left the room.17:48:50

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