
Kodi Linux

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18 Jul 2023
@guest29348769876:libera.chat@guest29348769876:libera.chat left the room.17:48:50
@KjellR:libera.chat@KjellR:libera.chat left the room.17:48:50
@michele:libera.chat@michele:libera.chat joined the room.17:48:52
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chathey.. can kodi be compiled with gl and gles at the same time and runtime switch?20:10:15
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak Nei: no 20:12:14
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chat thanks for the answer lrusak 20:12:39
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatdo you have any idea why netflix on wayland is broken with gl but works with gles?20:13:00
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakI have a branch that would allow it but it was something we deemed as not needed.20:13:19
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakNot sure about the Netflix issue20:13:33
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakI think the gl doesn't have access to the DMA renderer20:14:18
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak What do you mean by "broken"? Black screen? 20:14:31
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatit shows a weird snowflake video instead20:14:30
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakCan you post a screenshot and debug log?20:14:56
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chathttps://i.ibb.co/F8FDBwN/Screenshot-from-2023-05-22-16-29-21.png 20:16:16
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatlet me get the log although I didnt see anything odd in it20:16:34
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakOk, might want to enable debugging20:17:35
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chataudio is fine, just video rendering is broken. 20:17:42
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatjust a second..20:17:46
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chat lrusak: https://share.riseup.net/#4vbZOa6jB3qTVMFv2IrWhA 20:25:05

Nei: this is interesting

2023-07-18 22:20:41.391 T:22198 error : CBaseRenderer::GetShaderFormat - unsupported format 181

@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chat lrusak: maybe that's the reason 20:56:02
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatin an X11 session it says GL: using shader format: YV1220:56:26
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak Nei: can you make a bug report? 21:01:49
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chat lrusak: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/23525 21:09:30
@Nei:libera.chat@Nei:libera.chatthanks for your help!21:10:24
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakI'll investigate when I get a chance21:10:57
19 Jul 2023
@JayC:libera.chat@JayC:libera.chat left the room.01:25:44
@KjellR:libera.chat@KjellR:libera.chat joined the room.15:05:38
@donhw:libera.chat@donhw:libera.chat joined the room.19:18:05

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