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22 Jul 2024
@bjorn3:mozilla.orgbjorn3Works in BIOS mode, acpid does complain about a couple of things though and ps2d says there is no ps/2 mouse.14:51:17

@bjorn3:mozilla.org: If you can't fix it, open an issue on the redox repository or add the report to the HARDWARE.md file with the model of your computer.

Sometimes Jeremy need your computer model to fix the issue.

@draft_isa:matrix.orgRibbon* @bjorn3:mozilla.org: If you can't fix it, open an issue on the redox repository or add the report to the HARDWARE.md document with the model of your computer. Sometimes Jeremy need your computer model to fix the issue. 14:53:45
@draft_isa:matrix.orgRibbon* @bjorn3:mozilla.org: If you can't fix it, open an issue on the redox repository or add the report to the HARDWARE.md document with the model of your computer. Sometimes Jeremy need your computer model to fix the issue.14:54:01
@bjorn3:mozilla.orgbjorn3 https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/issues/1515 15:05:09
In reply to @bjorn3:mozilla.org
23 Jul 2024
@euphario:matrix.orgeuphario Hello… I’ve been trying to build redox on MacOS with M2 processor… not using Podman I get stuck very quickly. With Podman, I had an issue with the UID being 502, I patched the /etc/login.defs file. But the useradd would not work, Podman creates the home folder with d———, eventually tried without it and it moved along, a ‘core’ user gets created with my UID 502, the home folder being /mnt/redox.
There’s some packages missing like libmpfs-dev. I then had to replace $(MAKE) by make so it does not try to use the host make which cannot be accessed from inside Podman, I suspect the path being radically different on MacOS that might not be an issue in Linux. Now I have a compilation error on the LLVM. It might be because of the -j4 but I have not had the chance to fix that yet. Anyway…
Just out of curiosity, how could I build directly the kernel and the packages, and bypass prefix?
In reply to @euphario:matrix.org
Hello… I’ve been trying to build redox on MacOS with M2 processor… not using Podman I get stuck very quickly. With Podman, I had an issue with the UID being 502, I patched the /etc/login.defs file. But the useradd would not work, Podman creates the home folder with d———, eventually tried without it and it moved along, a ‘core’ user gets created with my UID 502, the home folder being /mnt/redox.
There’s some packages missing like libmpfs-dev. I then had to replace $(MAKE) by make so it does not try to use the host make which cannot be accessed from inside Podman, I suspect the path being radically different on MacOS that might not be an issue in Linux. Now I have a compilation error on the LLVM. It might be because of the -j4 but I have not had the chance to fix that yet. Anyway…
Just out of curiosity, how could I build directly the kernel and the packages, and bypass prefix?
Are you using Rosetta? the Redox toolchain can't run on non-x86 CPUs.
@euphario:matrix.orgeuphario No, but /prefix is empty and gets builded by Podman, and since that’s ok as well as other things… I figured I’ll try to see how far I can push it. 02:00:04
@euphario:matrix.orgeupharioRedacted or Malformed Event02:02:57
In reply to @euphario:matrix.org
I mean if that’s the case, fine, you might remove the entire support for Mac on Apple silicon.

There's workaround, as I documented on the book.

Once the ARM64 host is added on the Redox toolchain, it will become more simple to setup.

In reply to @euphario:matrix.org
I mean if that’s the case, fine, you might remove the entire support for Mac on Apple silicon.

There's workarounds, as I documented on the book.

Once the ARM64 host is added on the Redox toolchain, it will become more simple to setup.

In reply to @draft_isa:matrix.org

There's workarounds, as I documented on the book.

Once the ARM64 host is added on the Redox toolchain, it will become more simple to setup.

Thank you… I guess I’ll leave it at that.
In reply to @euphario:matrix.org
Hello… I’ve been trying to build redox on MacOS with M2 processor… not using Podman I get stuck very quickly. With Podman, I had an issue with the UID being 502, I patched the /etc/login.defs file. But the useradd would not work, Podman creates the home folder with d———, eventually tried without it and it moved along, a ‘core’ user gets created with my UID 502, the home folder being /mnt/redox.
There’s some packages missing like libmpfs-dev. I then had to replace $(MAKE) by make so it does not try to use the host make which cannot be accessed from inside Podman, I suspect the path being radically different on MacOS that might not be an issue in Linux. Now I have a compilation error on the LLVM. It might be because of the -j4 but I have not had the chance to fix that yet. Anyway…
Just out of curiosity, how could I build directly the kernel and the packages, and bypass prefix?
It's possible, as long as you have a C cross compiler, since AFAIK our only rust patch currently is the legacy scheme prefix. I don't remember the exact build process but cookbook calls cookbook_redoxer IIRC, but it's probably possible to override PATH or CARGO.
In reply to @draft_isa:matrix.org
Are you using Rosetta? the Redox toolchain can't run on non-x86 CPUs.
The precompiled toolchain yes, but PREFIX_BINARY=0 builds... also exist. But to run this on both another OS and another arch, will certainly require build script tweaks.
In reply to @4ldo2:matrix.org
The precompiled toolchain yes, but PREFIX_BINARY=0 builds... also exist. But to run this on both another OS and another arch, will certainly require build script tweaks.
This is what I mean, tweaks and patches on source builds.
In reply to @bjorn3:mozilla.org
I've got an old laptop I tried to run redox on, but after the bootloader has loaded the kernel, I only get a black screen. Any clue how I can debug this?
Managed to fix all issues: https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/bootloader/-/merge_requests/23
@bjorn3:mozilla.orgbjorn3 Looks like i2c-hid is necessary for getting the trackpad working: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/hardware/design/dn642101(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN 14:50:06
@bjorn3:mozilla.orgbjorn3 https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/issues/43 16:42:24
In reply to @bjorn3:mozilla.org
Managed to fix all issues: https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/bootloader/-/merge_requests/23


This will fix many computers.

24 Jul 2024
@gabebohlmann:matrix.orgGabe joined the room.21:52:39

I'm trying to build Orbital but I seem to be getting this. What library do I install? I can't seem to find sdl2-sys on fedora 40.

❯ cargo build
   Compiling sdl2-sys v0.35.2
   Compiling sdl2 v0.35.2
error: could not find native static library `SDL2main`, perhaps an -L flag is missing?

error: could not compile `sdl2-sys` (lib) due to 1 previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
In reply to @nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.org

I'm trying to build Orbital but I seem to be getting this. What library do I install? I can't seem to find sdl2-sys on fedora 40.

❯ cargo build
   Compiling sdl2-sys v0.35.2
   Compiling sdl2 v0.35.2
error: could not find native static library `SDL2main`, perhaps an -L flag is missing?

error: could not compile `sdl2-sys` (lib) due to 1 previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
How you configured your build system? I use Fedora 40 and it's normal to me (Orbital don't use SDL2).
@nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.orgnyu2pqaufwr I roughly followed https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html a few weeks ago. For orbital, I just cloned the repo in a different directory, ran source ~/.cargo/env and cargo build 23:39:42
@rw_van:matrix.orgrw_vanJust to clarify, are you building Orbital for Redox or are you building Orbital for Fedora?23:39:56
@nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.orgnyu2pqaufwrProbably the latter? I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing23:41:09
In reply to @nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.org
Probably the latter? I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing
I've only worked with Orbital for Redox, which can only be built using the full Redox build system. I believe you can build Orbital for Linux, but I haven't done it.
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.org
I roughly followed https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html a few weeks ago. For orbital, I just cloned the repo in a different directory, ran source ~/.cargo/env and cargo build
Orbital only works on Redox, to run Orbital you need to run make qemu
In reply to @nyu2pqaufwr:matrix.org
I roughly followed https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html a few weeks ago. For orbital, I just cloned the repo in a different directory, ran source ~/.cargo/env and cargo build
* Orbital only works on Redox, to run Orbital you need to type the make qemu command.
26 Jul 2024
@execat.:matrix.orgexecat. joined the room.00:57:56

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