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5 Feb 2022
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx I have run a server though a VM and that worked really well 21:09:33
@_discord_823945822190174268:t2bot.ioJonte|He/Him|Gnome That's a really cool software, I might move over to it actually. 21:10:21
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx Does that have arch support sh0tx 21:12:41
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 well it should 21:13:26
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 however i dont understand why you would use arch on a server 21:13:35
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx Hosting it off my main PC for me and my gf 21:15:25
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) arch on a server is not recommended but doable 21:15:40
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 still i would use debian for that 21:16:03
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx At that rate I might just do it in a windows vm and save the trouble lmao 21:16:21
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 that would be much more difficult lol 21:16:33
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 also wouldnt run quite well 21:16:45
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx I have a VM already set up for windows and it did the last time I did it 21:17:00
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) Arch tends to break if you run it "versionated" aka not updating for long periods. but Debian is meant to not be updated frequently 21:17:50
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx For a small server it's good, not for many people tho 21:17:50
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx I always update my PC, I have discover there to tell me any time there is an update 21:18:10
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) well, whatever works :) 21:18:15
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx Im gonna wait till I get my 3400g PC 21:18:33
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) if you have a problem and find a solution, even if it is a dumb solution, it is still a solution 21:18:51
@_discord_184056335589965824:t2bot.ioPhoenixx Yeah true, but I'll be getting the pc soon 21:19:41
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) for a server, having a minimal interface is a better choice so kde might not be your preference. a simple WM will still do the job and you could still install Discover if you wanted, but without the to be fair rather large overhead that KDE needs 21:21:35
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) * for a server, having a minimal interface is a better choice so kde might not be your preference. a simple WM will still do the job and you could still install Discover if you wanted, but without the to be fair rather large overhead that full-blown KDE Plasma needs 21:21:40
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) yes, it likely won't make a noticeable diffrence but a lower baseload also helps with longterm-usage, Powerefficency, Heat and even Silicondegradation 21:23:13
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 if it's a small server then i really dont recommend setting up pterodactyl eithwe 21:23:27
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 * if it's a small server then i really dont recommend setting up pterodactyl either 21:23:30
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 you would need docker, a web server like apache/nginx, php, php-fpm 21:24:17
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 * you would need docker, a web server like apache/nginx, php, php-fpm, mysal, redis 21:24:44
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 * you would need docker, a web server like apache/nginx, php, php-fpm, mysql, redis 21:24:49
@_discord_412982654808358912:t2bot.ioLayer 8 Problem (Neko) if you need all of that, then thats a rather complicated way 21:25:28
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 not to mention you also have to properly configure pterodactyl and nginz 21:25:51
@_discord_790199140860428328:t2bot.iosh0tx#8032 * not to mention you also have to properly configure pterodactyl and nginx 21:25:54

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