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8 Oct 2022
@_discord_671751409607114763:t2bot.io𝘵𝘎𝘎#9759 bloat 00:18:09
@_discord_786018203184005143:t2bot.iobrec#4646 Have you used :h with your new galaxyline config? I'm getting an error when I use it. I use it a lot -- I'm guessing you don't much. No error with your previous galaxyline.lua. 02:32:31
@_discord_401905524964327424:t2bot.ioCpt Chuckles#1321 i had found an error on help files today, i'm pretty sure i wasn't getting those errors when i was developing the thing and i'm 90% sure i had looked at a help buffer but it should be fixed since this afternoon, it was related to the git branch condition firing but not being relevant to the help buffer so the git branch string was nil and i was calling :gsub on it. now i check before calling :gsub 02:50:50
@_discord_401905524964327424:t2bot.ioCpt Chuckles#1321 in fact i had to have been testing with it, because the help buffer was how i was checking the readonly condition was working 02:52:39
@_discord_401905524964327424:t2bot.ioCpt Chuckles#1321 no idea why it started borking thereafter 02:52:48
Download unknown.png
@_discord_870041036783747172:t2bot.ioMr.Quack#4098 what is the this ? 03:41:20
@_discord_792228200327151616:t2bot.iomarasai13 joined the room.04:05:25
@_discord_410999180178358272:t2bot.iovimo#6620 joined the room.04:35:35
@_discord_410999180178358272:t2bot.iovimo#6620 You know you should reply back the solution so just incase anyone using the config has that issue might find it if they use search discord xD 04:35:36
In reply to @_discord_261525516832604160:t2bot.io
sent an image.
weird i never faced this issue
@rj69420:matrix.orgRishabh69i am the one who made that pr04:41:00
In reply to @_discord_261525516832604160:t2bot.io
sent an image.
if someone is having this error, open an issue on nvim-basic-ide , i will look into it
@_discord_410999180178358272:t2bot.iovimo#6620 It isn't fixed? My bad, I misread it as chris explained it on stream and you know what the problem is. 05:38:01
@rj69420:matrix.orgRishabh69Download recording.mp406:03:51
In reply to @rj69420:matrix.org
sent a video.
see i didnt face any issue with gitsigns
@_discord_870041036783747172:t2bot.ioMr.Quack#4098 can any1 help me fix these 07:19:02
Download unknown.png
@_discord_684404990730567701:t2bot.ioBinx changed their display name from Binx to Binx#6001.07:21:35
@_discord_684404990730567701:t2bot.ioBinx changed their display name from Binx#6001 to Binx.07:21:53
@_discord_615859515732000790:t2bot.ioDeCodedCoder#6362 joined the room.07:25:27
@_discord_615859515732000790:t2bot.ioDeCodedCoder#6362 guys do we need treesitter for "go definition" feature in the native lsp? 07:25:28
@_discord_870041036783747172:t2bot.ioMr.Quack#4098 can u help me ? 07:26:38
@_discord_615859515732000790:t2bot.ioDeCodedCoder#6362 sure if i can 07:26:51
@_discord_870041036783747172:t2bot.ioMr.Quack#4098 what's go definition ;-; 07:27:02
In reply to @_discord_615859515732000790:t2bot.io
guys do we need treesitter for "go definition" feature in the native lsp?
no you need lsp i think
@_discord_644284217525665793:t2bot.iob4mbus#3763 Nope, it's done by the LSP. 07:28:02
@_discord_615859515732000790:t2bot.ioDeCodedCoder#6362 go definition, when you wanna jump to the place where the initials of the variable of the function is. 07:28:03
@_discord_644284217525665793:t2bot.iob4mbus#3763 But treesitter is very useful nonetheless. 07:28:18
@_discord_870041036783747172:t2bot.ioMr.Quack#4098 oh 07:28:27

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