

690 Members
Official Solus Matrix Space57 Servers

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17 May 2024
@syadiya:matrix.org@syadiya:matrix.org joined the room.13:26:40
@deanbone:matrix.orgdeanbone joined the room.23:24:52
18 May 2024
@eg:envs.net@eg:envs.net joined the room.10:50:05
@syadiya:matrix.org@syadiya:matrix.org left the room.15:29:14
19 May 2024
@pjol:tchncs.depjol changed their profile picture.08:53:37
@jak3b:matrix.org@jak3b:matrix.org joined the room.16:15:47
@perryro:matrix.orgtechnomaji changed their display name from perryro to technomaji.17:58:43
@perryro:matrix.orgtechnomaji changed their profile picture.17:58:47
20 May 2024
@kortersion:matrix.orgkortersion joined the room.02:12:33
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.03:54:38
@lazybojack:matrix.orglazybojack set a profile picture.19:58:39
22 May 2024
@plop22:matrix.orgPlop22 joined the room.14:03:02
23 May 2024
@vextium:matrix.orgvextium changed their profile picture.11:35:21
@vextium:matrix.orgvextium changed their display name from Niko to vextium.23:05:14
24 May 2024
@kujansuu:matrix.orgÄnkkä left the room.20:05:21
@kujansuu:matrix.orgÄnkkä joined the room.20:05:36
@kujansuu:matrix.orgÄnkkä left the room.20:06:24
@kujansuu:matrix.orgÄnkkä joined the room.20:10:02
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.21:28:21
25 May 2024
@0x7c5:matrix.org0x7c5 joined the room.12:58:36
@fat_penguin39:matrix.org@fat_penguin39:matrix.org changed their display name from fat_penguin39 to llinux_libre_dev.14:37:53
@naked:matrix.orgRogerDodger82 changed their display name from Admiral Noob to RogerDodger82.19:18:24
26 May 2024
@ablette:matrix.org@ablette:matrix.org left the room.14:44:49
27 May 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.02:46:24
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.13:29:13
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.org left the room.20:00:17
@lggg511:matrix.orgLiam Gibran joined the room.22:48:36
28 May 2024
@smarleau:matrix.orgsmarleau joined the room.00:16:14
@locusfokee:matrix.orgwannabelokesh changed their profile picture.17:02:54
@l1a:matrix.org@l1a:matrix.org joined the room.21:56:27

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