

634 Members
Official Solus Matrix Space53 Servers

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5 May 2024
@paranoid_dandroid:matrix.orgParanoid Dandroid changed their display name from paranoid_dandroid to Paranoid Dandroid.10:08:09
@poolee98:matrix.orgpoolee98 joined the room.13:45:05
@jayler95:matrix.orgJayler95 changed their display name from Jayler to nostradamusdemileto.16:26:24
@jayler95:matrix.orgJayler95 changed their profile picture.16:26:41
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.org joined the room.19:27:22
@jackjackj:matrix.org@jackjackj:matrix.org joined the room.20:31:30
@jackjackj:matrix.org@jackjackj:matrix.org left the room.20:31:35
6 May 2024
@dot:mtrx.nz@dot:mtrx.nz joined the room.13:39:36
@dot:mtrx.nz@dot:mtrx.nz left the room.13:39:56
8 May 2024
@uni-dos:matrix.orguni-dos joined the room.15:21:34
@luna.sl:matrix.orgluna/twilight joined the room.21:02:37
9 May 2024
@itsover:poa.stitsover changed their display name from sun to itsover.18:19:06
@itsover:poa.stitsover changed their profile picture.18:22:02
10 May 2024
@jsmx:matrix.orgjsmx joined the room.02:04:08
@bendaha:matrix.orgBenjamin removed their profile picture.15:40:59
@bendaha:matrix.orgBenjamin set a profile picture.15:41:30
@bethanny:utwente.iobethanny joined the room.20:09:08
@chraist:matrix.org@chraist:matrix.org joined the room.20:59:43
@chraist:matrix.org@chraist:matrix.org left the room.21:01:16
11 May 2024
@famzz:matrix.orgfabiomzz joined the room.15:40:15
12 May 2024
@cgreenbe:matrix.orgcgreenbe joined the room.04:58:38
@vibe:catgirl.cloudvibe changed their display name from vibe to ira🇮🇪.11:09:37
@koka-mate:cat.casa@koka-mate:cat.casa left the room.12:25:22
@azhagar:matrix.orgazhagar joined the room.13:25:38
@vibe:catgirl.cloudvibe changed their display name from ira🇮🇪 to vibe.13:51:34
13 May 2024
@angeryboi:matrix.organgeryboi changed their display name from dmvrr to angeryboi.11:08:07
@angeryboi:matrix.organgeryboi set a profile picture.11:10:28
@solusenjoyer:matrix.orgsolusenjoyer joined the room.17:11:45
@pjol:tchncs.depjol joined the room.17:35:38
14 May 2024
@duroursu:matrix.org@duroursu:matrix.org left the room.14:55:04

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