10 Jan 2025 |
iconoclasthero | as i assumed, but when one assumes it makes... | 21:09:42 |
iconoclasthero | Thanks, I was able to get it to launch. | 22:39:33 |
Michael Catanzaro | Does it actually work? Nice | 22:40:50 |
iconoclasthero | ahhhh... well, that's a different matter. | 23:36:19 |
iconoclasthero | given the quite poor upload speeds from comcast, i'm not sure what's wrong. i should test it locally. | 23:37:06 |
iconoclasthero | i will say this though, it appears that running x over ssh on an muxed control master ssh connection doesn't work. | 23:38:54 |
iconoclasthero | * i will say this though, it appears that running x over ssh on an muxed control master ssh connection doesn't work or requires more configuration than I have currently. | 23:39:21 |
11 Jan 2025 |
iconoclasthero | yeah, it works on the same lan | 00:04:49 |
adrian | Did we manage to fix usage over the network when using X11? That's gotta be a happy incident | 00:32:19 |
iconoclasthero | it's slow, but i logged into something and read a message. | 00:33:49 |
| Jack left the room. | 04:01:22 |
| Jack joined the room. | 15:12:20 |
@mitigate:matrix.org | In reply to @mcatanzaro:gnome.org
mitigateActually I have a third and butter guess: the subprocess is stopped with SIGSTOP because your WebKit is old and missing https://commits.webkit.org/284462@main
I don't have that commit, but I don't think I'm hitting this branch, the process status of the leaked process under `ps' isn't S, and I couldn't Suspended messages for that pid with WEBKIT_DEBUG="Process,ProcessSwapping,ProcessSuspension"
maybe i'll update before trying to troubleshoot again
| 15:13:45 |
| @mitigate:matrix.org left the room. | 15:23:46 |
| Jack left the room. | 15:36:06 |
12 Jan 2025 |
Michael Catanzaro | In reply to @mitigate:matrix.org
I don't have that commit, but I don't think I'm hitting this branch, the process status of the leaked process under `ps' isn't S, and I couldn't Suspended messages for that pid with WEBKIT_DEBUG="Process,ProcessSwapping,ProcessSuspension"
maybe i'll update before trying to troubleshoot again
Alas, then your problem is different. :( | 14:05:55 |
| Jack joined the room. | 17:40:14 |
13 Jan 2025 |
| rémi laot joined the room. | 11:35:22 |
rémi laot | Hi, I'm struggling to do what I want with webviews in Webview2Gtk (C/C++). I would like to be able to display multiple webviews in the same GTK window. I would like to be able to position and dimension these webviews as I'd like within this window. But when I attempt to display a browser in a FixedLayout, it does not appear on screen:
auto window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "lumiplan.webkit");
auto userContent = webkit_user_content_manager_new();
auto view = webkit_web_view_new_with_user_content_manager(userContent);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(view), 100, 100);
auto fixed = gtk_fixed_new();
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), GTK_WIDGET(fixed));
gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(window), GTK_WIDGET(view), 200, 200);
| 11:45:41 |
rémi laot | could anyone help me on this matter ? | 11:45:52 |
14 Jan 2025 |
eeejay | do webkit sandboxes have access to xdg portals? | 19:40:30 |
Georges Stavracas | generally, yes | 19:44:53 |
16 Jan 2025 |
| Vivienne, they/them (off on Fridays) changed their display name from Vivienne, they/them (off on Fridays) to Vivienne, they/them (sick leave). | 11:00:43 |
20 Jan 2025 |
| Vivienne, they/them (off on Fridays) changed their display name from Vivienne, they/them (sick leave) to Vivienne, they/them (off on Fridays). | 10:02:42 |
22 Jan 2025 |
| @gregtaole:vignat.org joined the room. | 09:51:34 |
| @gregtaole:vignat.org left the room. | 09:53:26 |
| jelly joined the room. | 16:35:03 |
| Jack changed their display name from jackhill to Jack. | 19:31:36 |
| Jack left the room. | 19:41:53 |
| Jack joined the room. | 19:42:27 |