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9 Dec 2023
In reply to @_discord_757985894392397844:t2bot.io
What privacy-oriented service do you use for email (if you do) ? Proton, Skiff, Mailbox.org, Tutanota...

Proton as they offer unlimited aliases in their paid plan for just a euro per month.

But I'm trying skiff

@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. i have decided to go back to new layout 23:41:13
Download image.png
@_discord_854037562326122517:t2bot.iojoe.mama1337 I'm sorry but how is this "1 euro per month"? 23:49:56
10 Dec 2023
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james proton pass for new users 00:08:42
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james 00:08:42
@_discord_854037562326122517:t2bot.iojoe.mama1337 oh yeah 00:18:06
@_discord_854037562326122517:t2bot.iojoe.mama1337 that 00:18:07
@_discord_854037562326122517:t2bot.iojoe.mama1337 and it also has unlimited aliases? 00:18:11
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james yes 00:18:16
@zxcvbn0:matrix.org@zxcvbn0:matrix.org joined the room.04:45:09
@zxcvbn0:matrix.org@zxcvbn0:matrix.org left the room.04:45:21
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from _ to zbm.08:47:47
@_discord_691005255646969918:t2bot.iolastik0t on many discord posts, the username is preceded by BOT: I guess people use an external plugin? Could you please explain it? 🙏 09:39:38
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. so some people prefer to use matrix instead of discord, so matrix-bridge takes the messages from matrix and sends it over to here 10:11:34
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. to display the users it uses webhooks, so theyre shown as bots 10:11:49
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g I wish there was a better way to bridge the two 10:45:17
@_discord_691005255646969918:t2bot.iolastik0t thanks for the explanations 👍 11:43:19
@_discord_757985894392397844:t2bot.ioguillaumebelfiore Yes, I've here for a couple of days and saw that. I was like *"Wow those bots really have smart replies to people!" * I understand too now ! 17:31:52
@_discord_738073133642285088:t2bot.io.7325 18:06:18
@_discord_892938329895608381:t2bot.iokpennwins joined the room.22:12:05
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.ioenteuser how to go back to the old layout? is there any toggle in the app? 09:48:35
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.ioenteuser * how to go back to the old discord layout? is there any toggle in the app? 09:48:44
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.ioenteuser haha AGI xD! 🤯 09:50:09
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. it was a bug 10:44:26
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. im gonna go rewrite my game so the code doesnt suck 11:13:43
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. and it works on mobile 11:13:55
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-bridge set a profile picture.16:21:15
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. i might opensource my existing code so people can see how bad it is HAHA 18:50:20
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. the hold system is weirdly decentralized, theres a fuckton of redundant code, etc 18:51:06

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