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23 Dec 2023
@blown350:matrix.org@blown350:matrix.org left the room.05:00:23
24 Dec 2023
@59gc6:matrix.org59gc6 joined the room.03:33:05
@59gc6:matrix.org59gc6Hello, I want to create a media server. Could someone help me on how to setup NZBget?03:35:41
@nunyabudness:matrix.orgnunyabudness joined the room.06:34:02
@_discord_339052775688372225:t2bot.iox1aaron joined the room.10:35:12
@_discord_397745647723216898:t2bot.ioEpic 13:18:21
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_900083863999619073:t2bot.ioindigoleaflets joined the room.00:18:27
26 Dec 2023
@sepiafox:matrix.orgSepiaFox joined the room.04:22:16
@_discord_559394567829454848:t2bot.ioobediahjellyfish joined the room.04:24:50
@_discord_943747083716943883:t2bot.ioquytran joined the room.10:21:29
@_discord_260493184952434690:t2bot.ioyaoi.gov changed their profile picture.15:18:27
27 Dec 2023
@thisthings:matrix.orgthisthings joined the room.01:14:08
@elfenbeindaemon:matrix.org@elfenbeindaemon:matrix.org joined the room.10:21:40
@elfenbeindaemon:matrix.org@elfenbeindaemon:matrix.org left the room.10:21:54
@_discord_1041661812594200616:t2bot.iopatrisrikanth12 joined the room.10:32:35
@_discord_557236713911746580:t2bot.iochainksword joined the room.11:04:19
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_1065781909201883186:t2bot.iodash joined the room.07:54:20
@69donald:matrix.org@69donald:matrix.org joined the room.08:48:43
@69donald:matrix.org@69donald:matrix.org left the room.09:23:24
@_discord_910167504603742219:t2bot.iodevansh9 joined the room.13:14:32
@_discord_1086344307574837309:t2bot.iobrog.io Finished setting my Raspberry PI 5 up 17:34:29
@_discord_1086344307574837309:t2bot.iobrog.io It works great 17:34:33
@_discord_1189138648579440712:t2bot.iogrim_reaper787 joined the room.17:39:25
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd What's running on it? 🙂 17:39:49
29 Dec 2023
@_discord_1086344307574837309:t2bot.iobrog.io Currently just Raspberry PI OS, I don't have any specific plans for it, so I'm just going to do some random projects so I can learn more things 09:16:43
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. im currently installing arch as a tertiary OS 23:14:43
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. and now im stuck between gnome and hyprland 23:14:56
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. or maybe i should use gnome then move on to hyprland once im done gnomeing 23:15:28
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. apparently i can keep both so ima do that 23:18:22
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen. fuck it arch keeps being a pain in the ass 23:51:33

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