
πŸ’ŠRed Pill

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19 Jan 2022
@monkey:nerdsin.space@monkey:nerdsin.space I DON’T Hate To Say It…Straight Up I TOLD YOU SO!!!
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerThis is AWESOME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXjvCcYpSY0 23:30:48
@monkey:nerdsin.space@monkey:nerdsin.space Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates
20 Jan 2022
@antepost:matrix.org.Β‘π– π—‡π—π–Ύπ—‰π—ˆπ—Œπ—Β‘.

At issue is the role of the party leadership in approving the "corona bonus" of 1,500 euros ($1,700) per person for employees of party headquarters and the leaders themselves.


@monkey:nerdsin.space@monkey:nerdsin.space What is the Greater Reset and How to Join the Movement
@user:nerdsin.spaceu changed their profile picture.08:20:57
@selfsource:matrix.orgselfsource--Just bare something in mind-- .. ---The narrative is flipping. But it's meant to as part of the plan. This is so they can say all governments have failed the people and their Great Reset (New World Order) is the solution.--- They want the narrative to flip but in such a way that they have control of that flip so they can steer us to the NWO. That's why THEY can question these things but we the people cannot. If the people question in then they are not in control and it won't go their way. But if they question it, they are back in control and can make sure the power and the narrative stays with them. --How it works is-- Suddenly the big organisations start listening to the people. The people who took power for themselves to be a voice of truth. But the idea is the big organisations start to agree with the people and so the people give their powers of voice back to the big organisations. It's the thinking of "they're listening to us now so they're on our side at last. We no longer need to do anything now and can just sit back as they put the world back to rights" It's all a ploy to get you to surrender your power back to them so they once again have control. It happens many times in politics. The people protest and a saviour comes along seemingly supporting the protestors. The protestors support the new political saviour and back down allowing the saviour to take the lead. Then once the "saviour" is in power only then do the people realise they were duped.09:34:48
@unlmtd:matrix.orgunlmtd Whoever is comfortable with high doses of psylocibin or lsd will not be tricked to any meaningful extent as long as that space is regularly visited. In other words, the pill is not an analogy, it is real. 10:18:43
@antepost:matrix.org.Β‘π– π—‡π—π–Ύπ—‰π—ˆπ—Œπ—Β‘.https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1542856/ex-pope-benedict-under-scrutiny-in-german-child-abuse-probe11:28:05
@prophetpx:matrix.orgprophetpx joined the room.11:34:43
@cloud6x:matrix.orgStorm Cloud #MGTOW joined the room.12:01:03
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker
In reply to @antepost:matrix.org
Let the reveal be thorough and the clean up complete
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker@FF777 - have you been keeping an eye open for a piano? 13:33:22
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker * @FF777 - have you been keeping an eye open for a piano? 13:33:47
@monkey:nerdsin.space@monkey:nerdsin.space Truckers For Freedom Organize HUGE PROTEST Against Vaccine Mandates & SUPPLY CHAIN SHORTAGES TO COME!!!
@pirateman:kde.orgpiratemanHow do you add monkey bot to a channel?16:41:00
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker
In reply to @pirateman:kde.org
How do you add monkey bot to a channel?
why would you?
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMtt8Wvm1NM17:11:46
@monkey:nerdsin.space@monkey:nerdsin.space Gregg Braden - The Code of Life Openly Hidden between the Lines of the Ancient Text
@pirateman:kde.orgpiratemanFor the links preview 18:37:32
@pirateman:kde.orgpiratemanImagine 18:37:47
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWut 18:39:03
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainThe wut m818:39:05
@krrim0:matrix.org@krrim0:matrix.org joined the room.21:30:38
@antepost:matrix.org.Β‘π– π—‡π—π–Ύπ—‰π—ˆπ—Œπ—Β‘.https://abc13.com/austria-vaccination-requirements-austrian-vaccine-mandate-covid-europe/11491940/21:44:05
@krrim0:matrix.org@krrim0:matrix.org left the room.22:04:21
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerDownload My Pier Talk sm.mp422:32:28

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