
💊Red Pill and/or real-life stuff that can be political but doesn't necessarily have to be but isn't necessarily news either

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29 Jan 2022
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:50:34
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:51:41
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:51:46
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:52:56
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWhat's the context of that video19:53:40
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWhere they're putting powder on their faces 19:53:48
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:53:49
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainI dont understand 19:53:51
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:53:54
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainServed what for what19:54:05
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:54:43
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainI still don't understand 19:55:08
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainFrom what the vaccine?19:55:15
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:55:16
@bill_walters:anontier.nl@bill_walters:anontier.nlRedacted or Malformed Event19:55:32
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWhat makes their heads steam 19:55:32
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainSo youre saying they're just blowing people's brains with 5g19:56:52
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWait post it again I wasn't done watching 19:57:06
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_YlKDu_lgM20:11:37
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey 🔴LIVE Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Rolling To Ottawa!! 2022-01-30 05:11
0 seconds
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 bill_walters quit being crazy 20:40:06
Download e2a10836.webp
@lolibsd:cutefunny.art@lolibsd:cutefunny.artwhat was he talking about tbh?20:41:12
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i don't even know20:41:23
@seven:nerdsin.spaceSevenit was something about being banned for posting an anti nigger video 20:42:26
@seven:nerdsin.spaceSevenand how peoples head burst in israel after 5g got turned up20:42:47
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777he said things like "Lets see if the perfect almight white girls have any respect at all for the red Pill" and "im sure ill get banned for disrespecting the god of the white girl" and "i forgot to....edit...the shit....to make it hateful towards white menim sorry ....didnt have time....im just....trying to share information."20:44:49
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainHe actually posted one video I saved 20:56:07
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainIt was of the tracis Scott show 20:56:19
@icymountain:matrix.orgicymountainWhich is pretty heavily censored 20:56:29

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