
💊Red Pill and/or real-life stuff that can be political but doesn't necessarily have to be but isn't necessarily news either

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2 Feb 2022
Download ima_6c2e38a.jpeg
Download IMG_20220202_144255_776.jpg
In reply to @user:nerdsin.space
sent an image.
Where could I find this actual chat?
In reply to @conjure:matrix.org
Where could I find this actual chat?
Looks like 4chan, but all those chans use that BBC or whatever the newer version is. Ask one of the chans, they'll tell you better than me
@masterbate23:chat.twomoons.demasterbate23 joined the room.21:18:08
@masterbate23:chat.twomoons.demasterbate23police will be phased out in favor of mob rule21:18:32
@masterbate23:chat.twomoons.demasterbate23the police of the future will be us21:18:44
@masterbate23:chat.twomoons.demasterbate23yooooooo lemme in a goood rooom 21:19:00
In reply to @klib-tmp:matrix.org
Looks like 4chan, but all those chans use that BBC or whatever the newer version is. Ask one of the chans, they'll tell you better than me
@masterbate23:chat.twomoons.demasterbate23Download Da Grassroots - Black Dove.mp321:22:22
In reply to @klib-tmp:matrix.org
Looks like 4chan, but all those chans use that BBC or whatever the newer version is. Ask one of the chans, they'll tell you better than me
its actually NOT a chat...technically
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerThe only reason memes are effective is few people have an attention span more than 15 seconds. Thus - 30 to 45 seconds after they see one, they could not repeat it.22:05:34
@norisb3:matrix.org@norisb3:matrix.org joined the room.22:10:01
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workercool scene with bummer moon.JPG
Download cool scene with bummer moon.JPG
In reply to @conjure:matrix.org
Where could I find this actual chat?
That original one I'm not sure, looks like it's from 2013. 4plebs.org doesn't seem to have it. Someone must've saved it at some point and posted it today (I think it was about finding a good book to learn about german pre-wwii history?)
@norisb3:matrix.org@norisb3:matrix.org left the room.23:34:50
3 Feb 2022
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://odysee.com/@RobBraxmanTech:6/airtagfindmyphone:602:15:01
@user:nerdsin.spaceuWhat is the religion? Equality. What is the foundation of that religion? The Holocaust.png
Download What is the religion? Equality. What is the foundation of that religion? The Holocaust.png
@watermelonsunriseneo:matrix.org@watermelonsunriseneo:matrix.org joined the room.04:22:55
@h-var:matrix.org@h-var:matrix.orgDownload TikMate_online_monster-huntresss (4).mp410:16:38
@user:nerdsin.spaceu The guidance computer only has to do trigonometry, 5 or 10 computations a second is more than enough. 11:15:08
@user:nerdsin.spaceuBut not knowing how to build the rockets anymore, come on11:15:35
@user:nerdsin.spaceuottawa swastika false flag 1 of 3.jpg
Download ottawa swastika false flag 1 of 3.jpg
@user:nerdsin.spaceuottawa swastika false flag 2 of 3.jpg
Download ottawa swastika false flag 2 of 3.jpg
@user:nerdsin.spaceuottawa swastika false flag 3 of 3.jpg
Download ottawa swastika false flag 3 of 3.jpg
@hombre:tchncs.dehombre changed their profile picture.13:22:50
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://rumble.com/vtqjjo-international-human-rights-lawyer-leigh-dundas-on-military-jams-and-canadia.html 14:14:19

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