
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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13 Mar 2024
@vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org..Btw I always wondered why is it called Issuer and not Service, as the latter seems to be more natural. Is it the industry standard thing?21:39:02
@vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org..* Btw I always wondered why is it called Issuer and not Service, as the latter seems to be more natural (entry field). Is it the industry standard thing?21:42:21
In reply to @vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org
Hi, is it intended to make the app not respect the AMOLED theme setting with dynamic colors turned on in the v3 beta? I expected this to apply to accents only, not the background.
That is not intended, but I'm working on fixing that right now!
In reply to @vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org
Btw I always wondered why is it called Issuer and not Service, as the latter seems to be more natural (entry field). Is it the industry standard thing?
I think it became a bit of a standard when Google used that term in their spec for TOTP qr codes
In reply to @vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org
Btw I always wondered why is it called Issuer and not Service, as the latter seems to be more natural (entry field). Is it the industry standard thing?
* I think it became a bit of a standard when Google used that term in their spec for TOTP QR codes
In reply to @alexbakker:matrix.org
That is not intended, but I'm working on fixing that right now!
Great, thank you for your work. I can see many visual improvements fixed with the implementation of M3. This update brings the app to the whole new level.
@vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org..* Great, thank you for your work. I can see many visual defects fixed with the implementation of M3. This update brings the app to the whole new level.22:15:07
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerGlad to hear it!22:25:08
14 Mar 2024
@passkeywordpress:tchncs.de@passkeywordpress:tchncs.de left the room.06:27:25
@wyndon:envs.netwyndon changed their profile picture.11:02:34
15 Mar 2024
In reply to @steffospieler:steffo.dev

If I remember correctly, the text "Copied!" (or so) was shown when copying a code by tapping on it. (I have it that it copies when tapping once, but also happens when setting it up twice.)

The name of the service slides down, but the "Copied!" text doesn't show up, so the card just looks empty(-er).

Just created a pull request to fix this issue. Expecting it to be released in a beta version soon.


16 Mar 2024
@nikunjkhangwal:matrix.orgNikunj Khangwal joined the room.16:18:45
19 Mar 2024
@kapek:matrix.orgkapek joined the room.15:01:10
21 Mar 2024
@laotzu.:matrix.org@laotzu.:matrix.org joined the room.10:04:43
@laotzu.:matrix.org@laotzu.:matrix.org left the room.10:07:08
@lao-tzu:matrix.org真心 joined the room.10:21:40
@spielix:matrix.org@spielix:matrix.org left the room.18:43:04
22 Mar 2024
@nikunjkhangwal:matrix.orgNikunj KhangwalAny ETA for next stable release?14:58:15
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWe're expecting to release v3.0 (stable) this weekend!14:59:58
@nikunjkhangwal:matrix.orgNikunj KhangwalNice. I thought it would take much longer.15:01:38
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWe're happy with the results of our beta version that we released last week which is why we decided to release to stable this weekend. A lot of inconsistencies in the UI have been fixed this week as well15:04:54
24 Mar 2024
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker v3.0 is out! Thanks to everyone who helped with testing 16:00:47
Download 1000040092.png
@vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org..Icon for Custom seems to be blurred like it's an enlarged png icon16:05:41
@vndfinh9wnqju:matrix.org..* Icon for Custom seems to be blurred like it's a enlarged png icon16:05:57

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