
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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25 Mar 2024
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAEleven joined the room.23:09:48
Download 1000008837.png
Download 1000008838.png
Download 1000008839.png
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenHey I'm having an issue setting a password for my database. Every time I reach the 3rd step the app hangs and I can't set a password. 23:14:44
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenIf anybody is going to reply to me please mention me so I get a notification. 🙃 (I would also try to help a dev the best I can with fixing this issue)23:50:38
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen AEleven: What do you mean with third step? We've had similar reports from people who used very long passwords which caused their device to throw an out of memory exception. Could you send us a log capture (using adb) of the crash? 23:54:52
26 Mar 2024
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenCould you give a article or step by step guide on how to do that? Also, I simply mean pasting a password into that first field. It's odd how it hangs the app only for that field00:00:11
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenAlso, should I use a temporary password for this cause idk if it would show up in the log00:00:39

AEleven: You can find a step by step guide here in our repository: https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#capturing-a-log-with-adb

Yes, I do recommend using a temporary password and remove any other (if any) sensitive information from the captured log. You can also send us an email or send it in a private message if you're unsure.

@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen Also I was just able to reproduce this using a very long password on my own device. I can see how this would crash if you have a lower end device or just less memory available. Have you tried it with a shorter password? Does that work> 00:13:14
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen * Also I was just able to reproduce this using a very long password on my own device. I can see how this would crash if you have a lower end device or just less memory available. Have you tried it with a shorter password? Does that work? 00:14:31
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenYes, a shorter password does work 00:16:13
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenAnd is a PIXEL 7 PRO really low end? Lol00:16:28
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenNo, Pixel 7 Pro isn't considered low end. But this crash only occurs on my own Pixel 7 Pro whenever I use a 450+ character string in that field, which is the reason why I asked.00:26:42
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenI'm gonna lose it why is this happening00:36:34
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenDownload 1000008843.mp400:36:55
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenI plugged my phone into my PC and then it just denied -.-00:37:25
@aelevenmatrix:matrix.orgAElevenIt makes the disconnect sound every time I press ok 00:37:54
@pirr:frisk.space@pirr:frisk.space left the room.05:35:26
@purefallen:matrix.orgPureFallentbh 450 characters would be rather enormous for that field as one of the things probably not saved inside a password manager.06:37:13
@purefallen:matrix.orgPureFallenAs for why USB-Debugging turns off... check the other toggles related to it. Perhaps something like prevents debugging on low charge or changes the control of the USB connection your pc to your phone? Might have to configure first that the connection is not just meant for charging but data transfer.06:42:18
27 Mar 2024
@orthabel:matrix.orgNico Brandes joined the room.08:57:59
1 Apr 2024
@zillaxkong:matrix.org@zillaxkong:matrix.org joined the room.14:39:31
@zillaxkong:matrix.org@zillaxkong:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:41:10
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerI'm guessing you had Android backups enabled in Aegis? That'll cause Android to restore your Aegis vault every time you reinstall Aegis. To work around this, you can clear Aegis' storage instead, that'll allow you to start fresh14:44:53
@zillaxkong:matrix.org@zillaxkong:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:45:55
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerLong press Aegis' icon in your launcher -> App info -> Storage & cache -> Clear storage14:46:28
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerMight look slightly different depending on your device14:46:37
@keizerwilmer:matrix.orgKeizerWilmerBe careful, because that will delete all your 2FA codes on your phone. This means you can no longer log in to websites and apps where you have enabled 2FA and for which you do not have backup codes.14:47:56

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