
Aegis Authenticator

395 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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1 Apr 2024
@zillaxkong:matrix.org@zillaxkong:matrix.org joined the room.15:39:28
@zillaxkong:matrix.org@zillaxkong:matrix.org left the room.15:39:28
3 Apr 2024
@nikunjkhangwal:matrix.orgNikunj KhangwalDoes custom images used as icons for items also gets backed up?08:51:17
@krisu:matrix.orgkrisu (aegis-icons maintainer)
In reply to @nikunjkhangwal:matrix.org
Does custom images used as icons for items also gets backed up?
9 Apr 2024
@cheekibreeki_:matrix.orgcheekibreeki_ joined the room.07:32:16
10 Apr 2024
@prit:matrix.orglola changed their display name from Prit to lola.13:08:44
@alfisya:matrix.org@alfisya:matrix.org left the room.20:45:28
13 Apr 2024
@elliotwutingfeng:matrix.orgWu Tingfeng joined the room.11:51:16
12 Apr 2024
@hunter-bidens-crack-dealer:monero.socialwhothefuqisthispagingmeat5indamorning changed their display name from i am satoshi nakamoto to whothefuqisthispagingmeat5indamorning.18:51:06
14 Apr 2024
@numbgnat:matrix.orgNumbGnatHello, I have a few 2FA codes that I set up for my daughter's accounts years ago. She's turning 18, so I want to get Aegis set up on her phone and move those few entries over. Can I make it backup of only a few, select accounts and restore them on her phone? Or is there an elegant way to make this happen? 00:25:54
@chanceharrison:matrix.orgChanceHarrison Not the most elegant, but if you do a full unencrypted backup as JSON, perhaps you can use something like jq to pull out the relevant entries for import on your daughter's phone? 03:05:51
@chanceharrison:matrix.orgChanceHarrison * Not the most elegant, but if you do a full unencrypted export as JSON, perhaps you can use something like jq to pull out the relevant entries for import on your daughter's phone? 03:06:28
@chanceharrison:matrix.orgChanceHarrisonEspecially if you have your daughter's entries in a separate group, might be feasible to filter out each entry where the credential is part of that group.03:08:11
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerYou can also put the entries in a group in Aegis, uncheck "Export all groups" in the export dialog and then only check that one group09:06:03
@private_account:matrix.orgPrivate Is it safe to take encrypted backup on an unencrypted storage like a microSD card 20:19:29
@cyb3rko:matrix.orgcyb3rkoIf you have used a secure password, it is20:38:08
@private_account:matrix.orgPrivate Is there any open source android app to encrypt microsd card. 21:17:26
@private_account:matrix.orgPrivate* Is there any open source android app to encrypt microsd card?21:17:37
15 Apr 2024
@cyb3rko:matrix.orgcyb3rkoI have used https://f-droid.org/packages/sushi.hardcore.droidfs before for encrypting USB sticks, maybe that's something you're looking for.05:10:54
In reply to @numbgnat:matrix.org


I have a few 2FA codes that I set up for my daughter's accounts years ago. She's turning 18, so I want to get Aegis set up on her phone and move those few entries over.

Can I make it backup of only a few, select accounts and restore them on her phone?

Or is there an elegant way to make this happen?

Thats a feature, hold an entry on Aegis to enter selection mode, select the entries, then hit the qr-symbol on the top right. It will present a list of qr-codes to scan with the other phone. Just make sure that the new phone generates the same numbers, before you delete the original entries.
In reply to @nicro:tchncs.de
Thats a feature, hold an entry on Aegis to enter selection mode, select the entries, then hit the qr-symbol on the top right. It will present a list of qr-codes to scan with the other phone. Just make sure that the new phone generates the same numbers, before you delete the original entries.

Thanks! That works well. I guess I was looking for a way to easily export a sub-selection of entries into an encrypted backup that could be restored on the 2nd device.

Fortunately, I only have a few entries. Adding them one-by-one won't be that much of an inconvenience.

16 Apr 2024
@lukas:lw1.at@lukas:lw1.at left the room.17:45:20
@anibyl:beeper.com@anibyl:beeper.com joined the room.18:15:34
21 Apr 2024
@private_account:matrix.orgPrivate Thank you 21:13:12
23 Apr 2024
@ex1side337:matrix.orgex1side set a profile picture.19:05:03
25 Apr 2024
@hakaye:matrix.orghakaye joined the room.11:00:01
27 Apr 2024
@krisu:matrix.orgkrisu (aegis-icons maintainer)

Hi, I think Aegis should in the next release change the aegis-icons link to README section of icon packs.

Since I'm uncertain that if I continue the aegis-icons project (not at least until I have gratuated and even then not sure) and so many people don't know that there's other options (for example: https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/issues/1361#issue-2260233958), it would be more useful to guide people to those options.

I added the link to that README section on top of the aegis-icons site.

28 Apr 2024
@blackmath:matrix.orgPavan Kumar Pothula joined the room.02:10:06
30 Apr 2024
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): Thanks for the heads-up. We'll think about what to do here. Perhaps a link to the readme, or perhaps the icon list deserves a spot on https://getaegis.app. For now your icon pack is probably still the best even though it hasn't seen updates for a while. Good luck with your studies! 16:51:20
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker * krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): Thanks for the heads-up. We'll think about what to do here. Perhaps a link to the readme, or perhaps the icon pack list deserves a spot on https://getaegis.app. For now your icon pack is probably still the best even though it hasn't seen updates for a while. Good luck with your studies! 16:52:59

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