
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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24 Jun 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.orgยง removed their profile picture.21:42:00
25 Jun 2024
@divinedragoon:kde.orgNoctIf you have debugging enabled (sounds like you do), maybe you could use adb to send an intent to do a backup?05:27:14
In reply to @michaelschattgen:matrix.org
Interesting, please let us know if it happens again
I forgot to tell it here, but it happened again today. But I already restarted my phone.
27 Jun 2024
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatGot it! I was able to turn off screen security in the settings which allowed me to easily export23:39:16
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatThank you for your kind help23:39:22
29 Jun 2024
@explorespace:matrix.orgexplorespace joined the room.18:31:46
30 Jun 2024
@allonz:matrix.orgallonz joined the room.15:16:10
@ashleyburrito:matrix.orgashleyburrito joined the room.18:19:50
@wwwwwwari:matrix.orgWari joined the room.20:20:48
2 Jul 2024
@jayler95:matrix.org@jayler95:matrix.org left the room.01:57:04
@nostradamusdemileto:matrix.orgnostradamusdemileto joined the room.01:59:03
4 Jul 2024
@arseniy1995:nope.chatarseniy1995 joined the room.17:41:44
@ben_mac:matrix.orgBenjamin McIntyre joined the room.17:50:14
@ben_mac:matrix.orgBenjamin McIntyreCan someone link me to some information on how to generate TOTP codes from a backup from a windows PC?17:53:35
@ben_mac:matrix.orgBenjamin McIntyre * Can someone link me to some information on how to generate TOTP codes from a backup on a windows PC?17:54:02
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL (overly long political statement goes here).21:47:18
6 Jul 2024
In reply to @ben_mac:matrix.org
Can someone link me to some information on how to generate TOTP codes from a backup on a windows PC?
If your backup is encrypted, there is a python script in the github repo to decrypt it. From there you could transform the unencrypted json to csv. Once you have a csv you should be able to import it to atleast keepassxc or bitwarden.
9 Jul 2024
@patrickgold:matrix.orgpatrickgold changed their profile picture.23:25:20
@patrickgold:matrix.orgpatrickgold changed their profile picture.23:25:35
@patrickgold:matrix.orgpatrickgold changed their profile picture.23:26:21
10 Jul 2024
@thegamerx:matrix.org@thegamerx:matrix.org left the room.22:05:49
11 Jul 2024
@mariusschmalz:matrix.orgMarius Schmalz joined the room.15:22:53
@mariusschmalz:matrix.orgMarius SchmalzHi, I have some kind of soft lock when I unlock aegis, but only with that specific installation. Think there's something corrupt. Clearing cache didn't worm. Once it unlocks everything is fine. How do I get some debug logs or something alike? Newest android vs, a pixel 15:25:51
@mariusschmalz:matrix.orgMarius Schmalz* Hi, I have some kind of soft lock when I unlock aegis, but only with that specific installation. Think there's something corrupt. Clearing cache didn't work. Once it unlocks everything is fine. How do I get some debug logs or something alike? Newest android vs, a pixel 15:26:03
@bendaha:matrix.orgBenjamin joined the room.18:21:59
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWhat do you mean with a soft lock? There's a known bug with the Pixel June update. Fortunately this bug has been automatically resolved in the Pixel July update20:42:22
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenOr a device reboot will fix this problem temporarily 20:42:34
17 Jul 2024
@danielyrovas:matrix.org@danielyrovas:matrix.org left the room.05:51:58
22 Jul 2024
@rodolphe:matrix.what.tfrodolphe changed their profile picture.17:30:59
24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:24:28

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