
Aegis Authenticator

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Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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30 Jul 2024
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald Dev joined the room.20:11:20
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevHi all Would like to know about #923. Showing past/ future totp along with current one. I think, the proposal should be accepted. 20:29:14
In reply to @blackbaal:matrix.org
Hi all
Would like to know about #923. Showing past/ future totp along with current one.
I think, the proposal should be accepted.

It's been a while since we've discussed this internally so I'm open to have another look at this. I'm still leaning towards our initial thought about this issue; most services have a 90 second time window in which your codes will work. Meaning the previous, current and next codes are being accepted. I've never had any issues with the codes from Aegis not working (I tap to freeze the code).

Is there any situation where you really need to see codes other than the current one? In my opinion the UI will look extremely messy with 3 codes per entry.

@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevYes, 3 codes per entry would be messy. I got the idea from ente and thought to raise a issue. Few of the services have 30s period only, for which I wait for progress bar to finish and enter the new code. Hence I was expecting if we could add next code like ente. Maybe we can make it flexible, 1. to hide 2. Show next 3. Show previous for user to choose20:50:04
31 Jul 2024
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenDownload qemu-system-x86_64_faWgxMiKr0 - Trim.mp400:32:53
In reply to @blackbaal:matrix.org
Yes, 3 codes per entry would be messy.

I got the idea from ente and thought to raise a issue.

Few of the services have 30s period only, for which I wait for progress bar to finish and enter the new code. Hence I was expecting if we could add next code like ente.

Maybe we can make it flexible, 1. to hide 2. Show next 3. Show previous for user to choose
I've been trying a few solutions to this issue this evening and just finished this prototype. Would swiping an entry be sufficient enough for you? We still have to discuss this issue internally but in my opinion this might be a good solution without cluttering up our UI. Please let me know!
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenSo swiping an entry temporarily increases or decreases the window offset. This allows you to see any code of the future or the past.00:35:30
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald Dev
In reply to @michaelschattgen:matrix.org
So swiping an entry temporarily increases or decreases the window offset. This allows you to see any code of the future or the past.
Seems a plausible solution, but it might create a confusion that which code is this?
From UX perspective, it should have a state indicator too.
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevJust noticed +-2 as part of indicator, but doesn't seem intuitive. 13:13:25
In reply to @blackbaal:matrix.org
Just noticed +-2 as part of indicator, but doesn't seem intuitive.
This was just a prototype so I'm sure there are things that could use some improvement, however I fail to see how it isn't intuitive. The animation clearly shows which direction the code is shifting towards and the +-1 pops up as soon as you swipe the code, showing you the offset of the window. I'm not saying we will implement this solution, but I think it's a step in the right direction without cluttering up the UI too much.
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald Dev
In reply to @michaelschattgen:matrix.org
This was just a prototype so I'm sure there are things that could use some improvement, however I fail to see how it isn't intuitive. The animation clearly shows which direction the code is shifting towards and the +-1 pops up as soon as you swipe the code, showing you the offset of the window. I'm not saying we will implement this solution, but I think it's a step in the right direction without cluttering up the UI too much.
Yes the prototype is in right direction. I am just suggesting that explicit is better for a normal user.
As a dev, UI like +-1 and swipe action makes sense but not in general
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald Devhttps://f-droid.org/packages/io.ente.auth/ Reference images doesn't look cluttered to me. I think a Poll can clarify user's intent. 13:31:18
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWe definitely could spend some time on this issue figuring out what the best way to handle this issue could be but in my opinion this definitely looks cluttered13:45:55
Download image.png
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenBesides that, we have take into account that we have 3 other view modes which we don't want to exclude from features like these.13:47:03
Download image.png
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenIt would look worse on this smaller viewmode for example. Thus why I came up with the idea of swiping the code to see the next/previous ones, it would work in every viewmode without cluttering up the UI.13:49:26
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenThen we also have users that have their devices font size set to a bigger font than default, the code is already spread out on multiple rows for these users13:50:28
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevWill swipe work properly for tiles view? 🤔13:52:10
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevOhk13:52:53
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenThere are just so many complications and obstacles for something that we don't see have an issue with. We never ran into the issue ourselves that we want to use old/newer codes, which is why I initially asked why people feel the need to see codes other than the current ones and to be honest I'm still not really convinced we need to incorporate this.13:54:08
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen * There are just so many complications and obstacles for something that we don't have an issue with. We never ran into the issue ourselves that we want to use old/newer codes, which is why I initially asked why people feel the need to see codes other than the current ones and to be honest I'm still not really convinced we need to incorporate this.13:54:16
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen * There are just so many complications and obstacles for something that we don't have an issue with. We never run into the issue ourselves that we want to use old/newer codes, which is why I initially asked why people feel the need to see codes other than the current ones and to be honest I'm still not really convinced we need to incorporate this.13:54:22
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevReasons - Main : to handle 2FA expiry duration of all sites. 1. few sites have 30s period or longer codes, which finishes as we type the code. So, by showing new code one can type ahead of expiry. 2. Some allow for past codes, so showing those codes without any user intervention.14:04:26
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenAegis allows you to freeze codes upon tapping which basically solves this, right? 🤔14:07:47
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevIn short, users expecting minor convenience improvement.14:08:11
@blackbaal:matrix.orgBald DevFreezing won't show new code. 14:08:43
1 Aug 2024
@mr_spade:matrix.orgMr_Spade joined the room.12:37:44
2 Aug 2024
@lantizia:mozilla.org@lantizia:mozilla.org joined the room.15:23:09

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