
F-Droid Devs

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25 Jul 2024
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] "and this caused confusion since many users thought that the marked apps rely on web services running non-free software. " 12:16:13
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] Typo _"FOSS.."_ 2 dots 12:16:44
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] _Most apps relying on "Non-Free Network Services" also rely on "Tethered 12:17:31
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] Another "APP" 12:17:54
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] ....that needs to be made "app" 12:18:12
@grote:matrix.orggrote"Take a chance" has a special meaning in English, I think it is like taking a risk, not sure that is meant here12:24:25
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] Yeat,h, maybe remove that last section. And there's an "APP" there too 12:26:02
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuitake this opportunity?12:28:03
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Better, yes12:31:25
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui TWIF added, please deploy. uniq (he/they) _hc :) 13:55:47
@uniq:matrix.orguniq (he/they)deployment underway13:58:08
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui"Finally, we managed to the old confusing “Non-Free Network Services” AntiFeature into two different Anti-Features" A "split" is missing?15:19:30
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Typos :))15:21:07
In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org
"Finally, we managed to the old confusing “Non-Free Network Services” AntiFeature into two different Anti-Features" A "split" is missing?
yup, you're right
@fdroid-meeting-alert-bot:matrix.orgfdroid-meeting-alert-bot@eighthave:matrix.org @uniq:matrix.org @festplattenschnitzel:matrix.org Izzy jochensp linsui[m] Licaon_Kter[xmpp]: Developer meeting at https://meet.ffmuc.net/fdroid starting17:55:41
26 Jul 2024
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuihttps://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/running The update phase hasn't started. It needs to be run manually?05:35:41
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp linsui: update runs after the apks have been sigend. Signing is manually 05:42:33
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiAh, got it. So after signing the update and publish is automatic?05:43:35
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensplook at https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds all those without links are manual05:44:06
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspi.e. the index needs to be signed as well05:44:28
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiSo Ciaran has to do that twice every cycle and the update phase takes a long time...05:45:15
@hstill:matrix.orgHStill Hi team, just a quick shout out - if anyone would like to be included in the OTF Free and Open Source Software Sustainability Fund as a core contributor to F-Droid, let me or _hc know 🤗 19:14:33
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui What's that? 19:20:49
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcits this https://gitlab.com/fdroid/admin/-/issues/48320:49:46
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: ohoo https://github.com/aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android/issues/3605#issuecomment-2252871246 22:14:04
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: twif, jtx entry name, needs replacement of `|` with `&` 22:24:13
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: openttd went from >200Mb to <50 and fails to start as it can't fine some assets... but does not try to download them either. You've tested it? Older 13.4 works fine 23:49:02

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