20 Nov 2024 |
Ed | for those choosing to stay in here, I'm more than happy for this to become a general chat channel | 18:18:17 |
| Ed changed the join rule to "invite" from "public". | 18:38:10 |
| Ed changed the join rule to "public" from "invite". | 18:38:12 |
yagokoro | I do like Syphon and would love to see it revived in the future, but as a developer myself with a full time job I completely understand not having the time and energy to do so.
I voted for making the room Invite only to keep it around, and perhaps if development resumes in the future it could be changed back to public. Maybe put the link on the Github page if people still have access to edit that? | 18:40:17 |
| @mat:tout.im left the room. | 19:59:19 |
| @matt:bitcoin.ninja left the room. | 20:03:41 |
| @elsaz:matrix.org left the room. | 20:43:00 |
21 Nov 2024 |
Ed | In reply to @yagokoro:sizecraft.net
I do like Syphon and would love to see it revived in the future, but as a developer myself with a full time job I completely understand not having the time and energy to do so.
I voted for making the room Invite only to keep it around, and perhaps if development resumes in the future it could be changed back to public. Maybe put the link on the Github page if people still have access to edit that? Yeah, I really liked Syphon too. Sadly, I was just a maintainer and just don't know flutter (the framework it's written in) well enough to make the fundamental architectural changes required to even get Syphon running from code | 12:28:31 |
Ed | The project owner seems to have completely dumped the project, I don't think it's coming back without someone who knows flutter well enough to bring the codebase through 18+mo of dependency development | 12:29:58 |
Ed | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Poll: Syphon as a project is [unmaintained and is probably not coming back](https://github.com/syphon-org/syphon/issues/794). This channel is now just full of driveby spam. Do I: @room it's looking like switching to invite-only is winning. I'll pin this poll and keep it open for a week or so | 13:11:31 |
WohlstandFox | I used Syphon just it's only Matrix client that works on my Galaxy S3 with Android 4.3 (other Matrix clients just require newer Android version, and that's a shame, I use that phone for debugs, and I share experiment results to my co-developers, even Syphon works laggy here, but it works) | 13:17:08 |
Ed | Android 4.3 really isn't secure enough to run in modern times, I'm afraid | 13:17:59 |
Pinguin | In reply to @wohlstandfox:matrix.org I used Syphon just it's only Matrix client that works on my Galaxy S3 with Android 4.3 (other Matrix clients just require newer Android version, and that's a shame, I use that phone for debugs, and I share experiment results to my co-developers, even Syphon works laggy here, but it works) What phone? | 13:18:23 |
Pinguin | Ah oh | 13:18:27 |
Pinguin | im dumb | 13:18:30 |
Pinguin | There's at least some version of LineageOS for it | 13:19:27 |
WohlstandFox | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Android 4.3 really isn't secure enough to run in modern times, I'm afraid I know, but mainly I use it to run my own game thing that me and friends develop, and just a good thing as a reserve photo camera when I making photos of my main phone itself | 13:19:41 |
WohlstandFox | In reply to @pinguin:matrix.teckids.org There's at least some version of LineageOS for it Ye, and my goal of Android 4.3 here just to have a test environment to verify compatibility. In some past, I ran CyanogenMod here, and the biggest problem that ran me away is broken camera driver, that led it gets unavailable at some moment, an that requires me to reboot my phone to get it work again | 13:20:54 |
Ed | I wanted to introduce a warning about running Syphon on old hardware back in 2021 | 13:21:27 |
WohlstandFox | I am not sure, does modern LineageOS fixes this bug or not... last time when I read forum (some years ago), there was kept complaint that camera glitches | 13:21:32 |
Ed | I also have a feeling that if the product were revived, flutter will have removed compatibility for such old Android SDKs | 13:23:31 |
WohlstandFox | On my game I had to restrict NDK 23 and some versions of libraries as they fails to work on Android 4.1. Once upon, I'll split my game into "modern" that will use latest libs, and "legacy" build that will stick on legacy SDK and will work on old devices. Main purpose to run on old devices is an ability to verify performance and memory usage optimisations and see how good optimisations done, and figure for possible weak places. | 13:25:13 |
ninchuka | In reply to @wohlstandfox:matrix.org I am not sure, does modern LineageOS fixes this bug or not... last time when I read forum (some years ago), there was kept complaint that camera glitches not sure how old this is but I know samsung breaks cameras if you unlock the bootloader and flash your own OS on it so probably related to that | 13:25:20 |
Ed | * I also have a feeling that if Syphonwere revived, flutter will have removed compatibility for such old Android SDKs | 13:25:22 |
Ed | * I also have a feeling that if Syphon were revived, flutter will have removed compatibility for such old Android SDKs | 13:25:29 |
ninchuka | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Android 4.3 really isn't secure enough to run in modern times, I'm afraid glad I'm not the only person thinking this xD | 13:25:34 |
WohlstandFox | In reply to @wohlstandfox:matrix.org On my game I had to restrict NDK 23 and some versions of libraries as they fails to work on Android 4.1. Once upon, I'll split my game into "modern" that will use latest libs, and "legacy" build that will stick on legacy SDK and will work on old devices. Main purpose to run on old devices is an ability to verify performance and memory usage optimisations and see how good optimisations done, and figure for possible weak places. And additionally, old devices still can be used even not for browsing Internet or talking via messengers, just for games :) | 13:26:48 |
Ed | In reply to @wohlstandfox:matrix.org On my game I had to restrict NDK 23 and some versions of libraries as they fails to work on Android 4.1. Once upon, I'll split my game into "modern" that will use latest libs, and "legacy" build that will stick on legacy SDK and will work on old devices. Main purpose to run on old devices is an ability to verify performance and memory usage optimisations and see how good optimisations done, and figure for possible weak places. Android Studio will allow you to do all that. I really don't think you should actively support such an ancient version of Android | 13:27:00 |
Ed | Android Studio allows for testing on "old hardware", I meant | 13:27:45 |
WohlstandFox | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Android Studio will allow you to do all that. I really don't think you should actively support such an ancient version of Android I do that, as I have a lot of these old devices, and I use them for performance verifications. And some people do have them too. | 13:27:53 |