21 Nov 2024 |
WohlstandFox | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Android Studio allows for testing on "old hardware", I meant It allows to run the thing, but it can't debug | 13:28:07 |
Ed | OK. Well, anyway, this is far outside of the poll topic - the old builds aren't going anywhere | 13:28:37 |
Ed | not even mine for Windows | 13:28:46 |
WohlstandFox | (Just because since some moment, it changed the debug protocol and it no longer compatible, so, I have to debug that by logs when trying old Android, but most of bugs were normally debugged on modern Android and on desktop) | 13:28:47 |
Ed | * not even my semi-unofficial for Windows | 13:29:33 |
Ed | * not even my semi-unofficial builds for Windows | 13:29:39 |
Ed | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family OK. Well, anyway, this is far outside of the poll topic - the old builds aren't going anywhere just know that the Syphon builds out there must be assumed to be cryptographically broken | 13:39:29 |
Ed | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family OK. Well, anyway, this is far outside of the poll topic - the old builds aren't going anywhere * just know that the Syphon builds out there must be assumed to be cryptographically broken (as far as I'm concerned) | 13:40:11 |
Ed | not because we did anything, but because the libolm build which it relies on for E2EE is now years old, and libolm has been fully upstream deprecated in favour of vodozemac | 13:42:21 |
Ed | not to mention, at some point in the not-very-distant future, Syphon will just outright stop working with modern servers because the r0 endpoints it uses for sending and receiving messages are long deprecated | 13:45:23 |
Ed | * OK. Well, anyway, this is far outside of the poll topic - the old Syphon builds aren't going to be deleted | 16:35:59 |
| @k0gen:matrix.start9labs.com left the room. | 18:58:17 |
22 Nov 2024 |
| @pierre:matrix.taz.de left the room. | 17:05:22 |
23 Nov 2024 |
| readerman joined the room. | 17:58:05 |
24 Nov 2024 |
| Moritz Poldrack changed their profile picture. | 14:00:04 |
25 Nov 2024 |
| @tom_show:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:26:18 |
26 Nov 2024 |
| @tom_show:matrix.org left the room. | 15:19:40 |
| @tommy_12:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:15:44 |
28 Nov 2024 |
| pitch changed their display name from pitch to pitch [5221]. | 08:38:26 |
29 Nov 2024 |
Ed | In reply to @ed:geraghty.family Poll: Syphon as a project is [unmaintained and is probably not coming back](https://github.com/syphon-org/syphon/issues/794). This channel is now just full of driveby spam. Do I: We've not had any more votes for the past few days. Switching the # to invite-only wins. | 19:41:32 |
| Ed changed the join rule to "invite" from "public". | 19:42:15 |
Ed | At this point, I am happy to re-designate this room as a general chat # | 19:44:47 |
30 Nov 2024 |
Hesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org | Strange, what stopped syphon Dev further development? I remember his promises to continue development some years ago but if there were no real intentions better just be honest and tell than fake promises. | 14:52:58 |
Ed | I can't speak on his behalf, and haven't been able to speak with him in a long time, but my understanding is he had quite an upheaval in his personal life and as a result has had to change his priorities. | 16:19:49 |
Ed | I'm pretty sure his intention to keep the project running was honest - he had set up a non-profit to own the rights and had started the process of delegating git permissions | 17:06:26 |
Ed | But at the end of the day, all of us in the project were volunteers with full-time jobs and other real world responsibilities and pressures on us | 17:07:52 |
2 Dec 2024 |
| @arbocenc:matrix.org left the room. | 16:04:35 |
| @liamdiprose:mtrx.nz left the room. | 22:00:57 |
5 Dec 2024 |
| Timo ⚡️ changed their profile picture. | 11:45:36 |
7 Dec 2024 |
| Amelia Ursidino (she, they, ŝi, ri) changed their display name from Fulmo Ursidipo (ri) to Amelia Ursidino (she, they, ŝi, ri). | 23:18:20 |