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29 May 2023
@sun_down:matrix.org@sun_down:matrix.org changed their display name from sun_down to sundown.03:19:44
@random_f:matrix.org@random_f:matrix.org joined the room.05:23:48
@nuuuo:nitro.chat@nuuuo:nitro.chat left the room.04:28:39
@user27474672:matrix.org@user27474672:matrix.org left the room.06:58:41
@bella109:tchncs.deBella109 joined the room.21:26:43
30 May 2023
@random_f:matrix.org@random_f:matrix.org left the room.04:07:35
@fgudin:matrix.org@fgudin:matrix.org left the room.10:12:37
31 May 2023
@koliyat:matrix.org@koliyat:matrix.org joined the room.20:55:42
1 Jun 2023
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.de joined the room.03:23:12
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deHow can I verify a session on mobile from a desktop running Elements?03:25:52
@dnisbetjones:mozilla.orgDustin Hi cvictorovich 03:26:17
@dnisbetjones:mozilla.orgDustinI can direct you to our FAQ which has step-by-step instructions to do that03:26:27
@dnisbetjones:mozilla.orgDustinIf you have any questions, let us know03:26:42
In reply to @dnisbetjones:mozilla.org
I can direct you to our FAQ which has step-by-step instructions to do that
It doesn't work well
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deWhen I confirm nothing more happens05:22:55
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.de changed their display name from cvictorovich to Christopher Victorovich.06:45:16
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deQuite interesting that this app adopted design languages of Android even on iOS07:02:25
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deAs of interface elements07:03:37
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.de set a profile picture.09:10:00
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deI wonder why verification doesn't work11:42:59
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deWhen I verify my mobile session of Syphon from Element on desktop it has no effect11:44:04
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deMy mobile session is still unverified11:46:08
@projectmoon:agnos.isprojectmoonI don't think that cross-signing is released yet. You have to export keys12:36:12
@projectmoon:agnos.isprojectmoonOr has it been released? 🤔12:36:17
@projectmoon:agnos.isprojectmoonGuess it's kind of released. 12:36:56
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deExport on my desktop and import on my phone?12:47:24
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deStill not working after this12:54:43
@bella109:tchncs.deBella109You need to export the keys from the client and the device you mostly use. For an Example: I myself used Element on my Phone and on my Desktop, but for a few Chats the Keys are not auutomatically synced. For these Chats I needed to go on the Chat, click again on Import the key and then needed to open my Smartphone and then the key was imported, but on my PC I didn‘t had all Keys13:18:43
@cvictorovich:tchncs.de@cvictorovich:tchncs.deI have only 1 key13:19:11

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