
Stocks Trading

314 Members
A place to discuss the trading of shares and stock, as well as other finance related discussions! Rules and guidelines: 1. Be mature and respectful. Its fine to argue, but be civil about it. 2. Don't spam. 3. Keep the room SFW and appropriate for all ages. 4. Don't post or link anything illegal. 5. Try to stay on topic for the room.19 Servers

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7 Nov 2022
@archerwithouttargets:matrix.orgArcherWithoutTargets joined the room.04:19:33
9 Nov 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @chan_yeol:matrix.org@chan_yeol:matrix.org (spam).13:35:25
10 Nov 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @michael_zks:matrix.org@michael_zks:matrix.org (spam).19:33:41
13 Nov 2022
@sunny:chat.streamupp.me@sunny:chat.streamupp.me joined the room.05:49:34
@sheilabillycryt:matrix.org@sheilabillycryt:matrix.org joined the room.20:34:12
@sheilabillycryt:matrix.org@sheilabillycryt:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:36:50
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @sheilabillycryt:matrix.org@sheilabillycryt:matrix.org (spam).20:48:13
17 Nov 2022
@sunny:chat.streamupp.me@sunny:chat.streamupp.me left the room.00:12:09
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org (spam).18:54:28
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @mosaabzein:matrix.org@mosaabzein:matrix.org (spam).20:49:09
18 Nov 2022
@remusnechita:matrix.org@remusnechita:matrix.org joined the room.11:28:45
@remusnechita:matrix.org@remusnechita:matrix.org left the room.11:31:33
20 Nov 2022
@julianmace:matrix.orgajdono joined the room.19:18:37
24 Nov 2022
@geraldjones:chimbus.onlinegeraldjones joined the room.02:35:51
@geraldjones:chimbus.onlinegeraldjonesHello, is anyone tracking Nickel production/stocks?02:41:09
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️nickel. that was the thing a few months ago. 02:53:05
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™Buy the rumors... Sell the news... Can u guess what he is doing?02:58:38
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️making rumors?03:01:30
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™He buying bags03:04:37
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️yeah nickel already squeezed and they got it back to being suppressed 03:05:32
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️i save all my nickels since they are worth more then face value 04:10:54
@geraldjones:chimbus.onlinegeraldjoneswell thats always a risk on shitty chat channels.. - I'm interested in the nickel mines of New-Caledonia. their agreement with Tesla is encouraging, however the stability of the country is not, and neither is their production output.04:11:19
@geraldjones:chimbus.onlinegeraldjonesperhaps ill just buy more APE-NFTS04:11:53
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️or GME04:15:49
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️no utility on most nfts04:16:45
@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org joined the room.11:38:28
25 Nov 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @aureliju:matrix.org@aureliju:matrix.org (spam).10:29:22
26 Nov 2022
@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org changed their display name from Marko to Marko - Slovenia.12:28:48
@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org set a profile picture.12:28:51

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