
Stocks Trading

322 Members
A place to discuss the trading of shares and stock, as well as other finance related discussions!20 Servers

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5 May 2023
@hertt:matrix.im@hertt:matrix.im joined the room.05:14:40
@hertt:matrix.im@hertt:matrix.im left the room.05:15:00
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.21:59:39
9 May 2023
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their profile picture.16:39:43
11 May 2023
@spikedcoffee:matrix.org@spikedcoffee:matrix.org left the room.09:09:16
12 May 2023
@simonogana30.k:matrix.orgChrislas joined the room.00:54:45
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheus joined the room.04:35:38
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheushi guys04:35:51
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheusnot much going on here?04:35:57
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheusoh okay i cant see the old msgs04:38:52
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheusi dont know how you talk here, i'm new to this. i hope i don't get canceled.04:39:16
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheusi'm into EURAUD right now. and urban outfitters. 04:39:40
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheussecond one look pretty good just right now. could rise a lot04:40:08
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheuslike short term, mid term, long term. just saying04:40:37
@simonogana30.k:matrix.orgChrislas set a profile picture.16:23:26
@simonogana30.k:matrix.orgChrislas changed their display name from sami to Chrislas.16:24:00
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their display name from 𝐎 to 𝐎 (AI Quality Assurance Tester).23:21:11
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their display name from 𝐎 (AI Quality Assurance Tester) to 𝐎.23:25:20
13 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.01:26:08
@linus-crypto-tips:matrix.org@linus-crypto-tips:matrix.org left the room.09:27:23
@chjuna:matrix.orgChandra joined the room.19:16:08
15 May 2023
@zen.:matrix.org☯️ Z ☯️meh you just talk in the rooms. most are pretty dead. those that are active are all into the GME short squeeze 17:56:48
17 May 2023
@ilodi:matrix.orgIlodi Chibueze joined the room.00:38:54
@multimo:matrix.orgmorpheusbtc chart is also pretty nice atm01:13:29
19 May 2023
@purpdurp:community.rs@purpdurp:community.rs joined the room.02:17:20
@purpdurp:community.rs@purpdurp:community.rs left the room.02:17:52
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:06:24
22 May 2023
@user459873:matrix.orguser459873 joined the room.01:54:58

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