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6 Dec 2023
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orghe warns everyone at some random time and place your women will be screwed out of existence by dumb gay criminal fags21:39:03
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthat he has long forseen how totally screwed all their females are.. and they will go extinct. then big angry lesbians are like "no men are ever going to f#$@ us out of existence!" 21:39:51
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd scifi peoples technology shows how great a civilization is by visualizing averages in a sort of maths god like avatar or champion AI thingy.. 'heres how hot our women are'21:40:41
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthen when criminals try to steal wives like see how much money they spend protecting these women? gotta be worth a fortune..21:41:28
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthey press like a car lock remote and the womens butts like beep beep21:41:44
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd their phone app thingies shows the list of stuff or gets alerts every few minutes like ALARM ALARM!!! going off everywhere and rockets flying 21:42:31
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthese wives being cheesy ejector seat launched out of buildings21:43:01
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgstraight out the high rise windows21:43:13
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgstay in the wise mans empire its safe for you there! you can have sex with all the women you want just stay away from those diseased rapey dumb gay fags21:43:54
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd then they cosmically average AI avatar the universe and its mostly like fecal matter and some terrifying god like fecal diseases... 21:44:26
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orglike a huge shit demon21:44:38
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd theres like a little zygote for the average guy..21:44:54
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd like some sorta adam sandlery alien race for the weirdos all out to save the world.. but like for shit reasons21:45:18
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orglike say adam sandlery guy goes the mall and kids trash it up and he walks in and goes to put out a fire then gets forced to pay for it coz they smashed up all the cameras and sprayed it over like in cartoons jokes films like oceans 11 FIRST21:46:03
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgso he forced to be shitty mall cop and suddenly wanna be robo cop champion of the universe and desperate to become a lesbian empires inner cloister member21:46:47
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd when its a time to be beaten to death by hot lesbian sex ninjas if youre a dumb gay fag some mini lion fish looking peter dinklage.. being a microbial zygote thingy.. reprograms peoples embryos in the womb with time and space hacks to 'reality edit' 21:48:03
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgchange your life21:48:07
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgwith darknet apps and runs a smuggling ring in his zygote trade empire and logistics fleet his family runs.. who are all technically him.. but you see .. hes.. more of a dick and creates his own BRANCH family and wrecks the 'main house' and throws them under the bus for his crimes21:49:03
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd lesbians keep wrecking his arse so he makes a huge clone army of himself for his own protection and develops ways to enter and interact with the smallest tiniest of body cells or something21:49:57
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthen when its a crime to be dumb and gay peoples bosses orders get telepathically sent between races or across the universe to give direct instructions you your own brain knows perfectly.. but translates to sound like dumb gay fags stupid shit whenever your boss opens his mouth21:51:05
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.organd adam sandlers boss sends him on a special under cover security job guarding a tiny warehouse in... the land of astrogaylia australia! 21:51:50
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgstationed on gay disaster zone planet earth.. 'the forbidden planet'21:52:07
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgthen he reveals in his database not a single dumb gay fag has ever installed a single dollar worth of protection in their dumb gay fags husbands or boyfriends asses!21:55:45
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgzero love.. zero consent!21:56:08
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgforgot to mention the sandlerian race would be crustacean looking22:01:03
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgcrab like22:01:05
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgjust imagine the wise man accurately predicting the future with certainty.. like the hottest porn star giga sluts sleep with thousands of guys ruining countless lives and spreading sickness and diseases.. so he pre-emptively locks the hottest sluts in the universe exclusively to his cock and all of existence becomes like 60% better forever23:52:49
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgsuch a difficult sacrifice to make for the good of the universe23:53:10
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgcountless thefts losses and property damages.. and other crimes just totally disappear and people become healthy and smarter23:53:56
@eccentricsage:matrix.org@eccentricsage:matrix.orgsome sort of system where its a crime to sleep with someone elses wife being enforced by law.. and massive firepower.. can you imagine it?23:54:36

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