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19 Oct 2021
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk joined the room.01:26:47
Download unknown.png
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk I just downloaded the experimental build to see how things where going, but the detecting devices still gets hung up on NZXT Kraken X3 01:26:48
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 Do you have CAM running in the background? 01:53:27
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk CAM? 01:54:47
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 NZXT CAM 01:55:00
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk yes, ill try with out it running one sec 01:55:12
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk Awesome, Thanks for the help, i am dumb lol 01:56:04
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk When it says count of leds attatched to each zone, does that mean how many led are lighting up the ring? 01:56:58
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 I think that is fixed at 8 but the other zones can be re-sized (fans, strips, etc.) 01:57:35
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk I only have the kraken x3 240 rad 01:58:17
@_discord_251554693170462720:t2bot.ioEnvulk * just accepting worked! 02:03:10
@_discord_809561737337765919:t2bot.iostarvingengineer joined the room.02:30:24
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob trying to turn ram leds off on a [ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING] 03:11:29
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob do i need to patch kernel 5.15rc6 with the OpenRGB.patch ? 03:11:40
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob i built openrgb OpenRGB 0.61, for controlling RGB lighting.
Version: 0.61
Build Date Mon, 13 Apr 2020 03:57:34 +0000
Git Commit ID ce4af9726ee8ad5fe4c185f293de01eea1e33eb9
Git Commit Date 2021-10-17 17:18:03 -0700
Git Branch HEAD
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob well i guess all the errors in syslog answer that question oh well will look again tommorow :\ 03:24:06
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob Oct 18 22:18:48 desktop kernel: [ 1350.207088] i2c i2c-0: Failed! (ff) 03:24:09
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob Oct 18 21:58:01 desktop systemd-udevd[474]: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-openrgb.rules:568 Invalid key/value pair, ignoring. ehehehee 03:24:47
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob le sigh le sigh oh well at least i can smile 03:25:06
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob no idea what it means that it only errors on certain lines posted on pastebin 03:43:18
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob https://pastebin.com/t9emXK1k 03:43:21
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob night night bed time for me hope you all are having good dreams or good food 03:43:50
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 What CPU is this? 03:44:41
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob ryzen 5600G 03:44:59
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics × 6 03:45:18
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob kernel 5.15.0-rc6-10-18-2021 03:45:32
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 I have the same issue on my 5700G. I think there is a bug with Cezanne i2c driver. 03:45:33
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.ioTheRogueZeta#0120 Ram will not work but the motherboard might be USB. 03:45:57
@_discord_346436625309630465:t2bot.ionoob do you know if we still need to patch the kernel with the openrgb? 03:46:07

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