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12 Nov 2020
@ptsd:matrix.org@ptsd:matrix.org left the room.19:21:58
@ptsd:matrix.org@ptsd:matrix.org joined the room.19:27:02
14 Nov 2020
@constantin:cybre.spaceconstantin 13:01:40
15 Nov 2020
@cpz000:matrix.orgLe0nix joined the room.14:43:33
@21isenough:matrix.org21isenough joined the room.17:23:32
@ptsd:matrix.org@ptsd:matrix.org joined the room.21:30:47
@ptsd:matrix.org@ptsd:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:43:15
@lindest:matrix.orglindestI'm buying bitcoins of you have any for sale 22:18:47
@catalost:matrix.org@catalost:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:51:12
16 Nov 2020
@ptsd:matrix.org@ptsd:matrix.org joined the room.08:35:58
@nannal:matrix.nannal.comNannal lindest: Whats you're best price, I'm not letting any go for anything less than 100k/ea 09:09:06
17 Nov 2020
@catalost:matrix.org@catalost:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:09:15
@duck1123:matrix.orgDuck Nebuchadnezzar I'm glad every day that I didn't sell. 01:33:50
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammrI sold three years ago in December 2017 just before the crash. Wasn't much, got 40 EUR out of it, haven't had spare money to play with since. Right now would be a bad time to get started again, wouldn't it?06:00:36
@tedefo:matrix.orgtedefo errhammr: there's never a bad time to start BUT invest only you can afford to lose. 06:46:26
In reply to @errhammr:matrix.org
I sold three years ago in December 2017 just before the crash. Wasn't much, got 40 EUR out of it, haven't had spare money to play with since. Right now would be a bad time to get started again, wouldn't it?
Depends how long you can hodl such momentum trade. It's not a good time to buy or sell now, unless can hold for a year or more.

How exciting

Feels like the end of 2016.

@nannal:matrix.nannal.comNannalBuy whenever, hold for four years, profit15:15:16
@nannal:matrix.nannal.comNannalEz mode15:15:29
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammrI don't have that much money to spare right now. I can only invest money that I can afford to lose. Is it worth investing a small amount each month or would it be better to invest a larger sum once?15:36:36
@tedefo:matrix.orgtedefoSmall investments each month. Baby steps 👍15:40:40
@tedefo:matrix.orgtedefoDon't go all in, otherwise you might be pushed to sell low if the price drops too much down.15:41:56
@murch:matrix.orgMurch errhammr: Investing everything at once gives you a single chance to time the market. Investing on a schedule reduces the variance, you will neither get close to the worst or the best outcome of a single investment. 17:22:57
@lindest:matrix.orglindestI'm buying bitcoins if you have any for sale 19:55:59
@catalost:matrix.org@catalost:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:24:21
@lindest:matrix.orglindest Catalost: what's your payment method ? 20:28:00
@catalost:matrix.org@catalost:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:30:03
@lindest:matrix.orglindestAlright I can use a PayPal 20:32:16
@catalost:matrix.org@catalost:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:36:34
@lindest:matrix.orglindestAlright do you want to text of email me when it's done ?20:37:32

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