
PineTime Development

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Welcome to PineTime Development, this is a channel for PineTime development related questions. General discussion goes to #pinetime:matrix.org. InfiniTime, WaspOS and all other coding discussion welcome!46 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <g​alaxymiller> So how is it supposed to be maintained closed ? The back just falls off when I take it 21:18:53
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <c​offandro> Super glue 21:19:06
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <c​offandro> Or a 3d jig 21:19:19
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <c​offandro> Printed jig* 21:19:30
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <c​offandro> It isnt made to be worn 21:19:38
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <g​alaxymiller>

Please note that the main unit and cover does not snap (lock) together. In the ready-to-wear PineTime, both pieces use waterproof silicon glue to lock together.
Uh yes sorry i hadn't seen this

Download IMG_5610.jpg
@mgar:matrix.orgGaryGet a Fitbit 2 screen protector...23:01:13
24 Jul 2024
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <g​alaxymiller> Sorry for the late reply, but do you have any specific model in mind ? Especially a free one if possible. 08:27:31
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <q​uantum_computing> https://pine64.org/documentation/PineTime/Accessory/Cases/

This has a list of cases that are all free models

@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <g​alaxymiller> Uh yes tysm 👍 09:46:16
25 Jul 2024
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <Z​etaSgathaich> currently ironing some issues out for the album art to appear in full and not partial, but the prototype works, after 2 years on and off working on it 12:22:20
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droidfile_30559.jpg
Download file_30559.jpg
@everypizza:catgirl.cloudeverypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.devnice!12:28:22
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <K​ieranC> very cool 12:29:04
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> Hi! I received my second pinetime yesterday, and I may have some issue with the battery. I initially charged it to 100% (fw 1.11), then installed fw 1.14, and immediately after reboot displayed 5%, then 8%, so I charged it again to 100% (3.9volts), which seemed odd to me mecause my first pinetime reached 4.something volts. And after touching it, and put it again in the chargind cradle, it displayed 66%. Have I to perform some kind of calibration? Is the battery damaged? 12:38:14
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <t​ituss_> @liamcharger Hey there! Do you think it would be possible to make the PineTime‘s heartrate and accelerometer data be used for Apple Sleep Tracking? Until the in-house sleep tracker is done, that is 13:17:48
@jf:matrix.codingfield.comJF@g​Danix The battery level reported by infinitime is not accurate when it's connected to the charger, you should not rely on it to figure if it's fully charged or not. This is because we measure the voltage of the battery to estimate its level. And this voltage will be higher when it's connected to the charger. The battery level will be more accurate when it's disconnected from the charger for a few minutes.15:49:16
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> Yeah, I've taken a look at the code and didn't found anything suspicious. Let's hope the hardware is fine 😅😅 (re @p64protocolbot: [M] @g​Danix The battery level reported by infinitime is not accurate when it's connected to the charger, you should not rely on it to figure if it's fully charged or not. This is because we measure the voltage of the battery to estimate its level. And this voltage will be higher when it's connected to the charger. The battery level will be more accurate when it's disconnected from the charger for a few minutes.) 16:02:45
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> Thanks so much!!!! 16:02:55
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <m​ark9064> yeah id leave it on the charger for 2 hours. then take it off, and let it sit for 30 mins. if the battery reads under 90% you have problems 16:37:45
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> Ok, I'll do that when I get home. Thanks!!!!! (re @p64protocolbot: [D] yeah id leave it on the charger for 2 hours. then take it off, and let it sit for 30 mins. if the battery reads under 90% you have problems) 16:42:09
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <m​ark9064> oh, and sometimes the charger connection can be unreliable, so make sure you see the charging icon at the top. gl! 17:18:00
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> Yes! It's easy to know, because it vibrates upon contact. That was a great UX idea (re @p64protocolbot: [D] oh, and sometimes the charger connection can be unreliable, so make sure you see the charging icon at the top. gl!) 17:57:16
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​ortpql> Except when the vibration-loop happens, because the contact gets disconnected due to it 😉 (re @gDanix: Yes! It's easy to know, because it vibrates upon contact. That was a great UX idea) 19:59:44
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> It is that sensible? (re @gortpql: Except when the vibration-loop happens, because the contact gets disconnected due to it 😉) 20:00:39
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [T] <g​Danix> I may have experienced that, but couldn't 100% attribute it to the vibration 20:01:23
@p64protocolbot4:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [D] <l​iamcharger> Yes, it would! I was thinking about implementing it a while back, but I don't have an algorithm to work with, and I don't have the skills to build one... 20:49:23
26 Jul 2024
@everypizza:catgirl.cloudeverypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev changed their display name from everypizza • eepy catgirl 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🐾 to everypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev.12:45:55
@everypizza:transfem.deveverypizza • new account 🐾🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.18:05:40

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