
Varlinas - Bendras

1295 Members
Bendras Varlino pokalbių kambarys3 Servers

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25 Sep 2021
@dangaussviesa:matrix.orgdangaussviesaKaip manot laivu gamybe zlugs?20:28:10
@aurix11:matrix.orgAurimeloJei kura uzsuks ir laivu nereiks20:28:45
@aurix11:matrix.orgAurimeloIr nereiks gamint20:28:59
@vyser:matrix.orgvyser joined the room.20:56:02
@neronas:matrix.orgneronasNorvegu krona turėtu išlikti. Bent kažkurį laika stabili. 20:56:44
@edgarasm:matrix.orgEdgaras set a profile picture.21:03:44
@l_fbibf_u:matrix.org@l_fbibf_u:matrix.org joined the room.22:11:46
@petkas:matrix.orgpetkas joined the room.22:41:38
@mantukas:matrix.orgmantukas joined the room.22:51:40
@tsquad:matrix.orgTadas Dirzius joined the room.23:34:46
26 Sep 2021
@rlldll:matrix.orgrlldll joined the room.06:37:55
In reply to @dievas:matrix.org
Nebespesim per visur bendrauti smegenai tuoj istrykš juk prieš tai ir kiek buvo telegram užsibuvom ilgiausiai trbt😂
Nepanikuojam💚 čia tik atsarginis variantas, bendravimas išlieka Telegrame.
@reginareginute:matrix.orgRegina DapšauskaitėŠičia matosi kiek pažiūrėjo kas parašoma 🙂08:31:44
@gvidas357:matrix.orgGvidas joined the room.08:39:36
@gvidas357:matrix.orgGvidasRedacted or Malformed Event08:41:12
@gvidas357:matrix.orgGvidas changed their display name from Gvidas SAKALAUSKAS to Gvidas.08:41:37

gal kas galetu isversti/igarsinti- labai aktualus sioms dienoms interviu


@liepa:matrix.orgLiepa joined the room.08:50:28
@misterix:matrix.orgmisterix joined the room.09:01:41
@domanteo:matrix.orgd. joined the room.11:37:29
@ridodo:matrix.orgridodo joined the room.11:45:09
@svendre:matrix.orgsvendre joined the room.12:45:46
@aivaras68:matrix.orgaivaras68 joined the room.12:48:14
@beatyta:matrix.orgBeata Oželienė joined the room.15:10:22
@tomshius:matrix.orgtomshius joined the room.15:54:04
@karlitokelias7gmail.com:matrix.orgKarlito Brigante joined the room.16:26:25
@elstellino:matrix.orgelstellino joined the room.16:58:00
@vytas1979:matrix.orgvytas1979 joined the room.17:30:37

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