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11 Dec 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 if we otherwise extract this into $HOST, would you use this pattern RP/0/RP[0-9]/CPU[0-9] to identify this data? 18:09:11
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven Yes it would probably suit to be in cisco.cpu_module or something 18:09:53
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven CLC [0-9]/0 too 18:11:29
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 in the same field? 18:11:50
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I think they are reusing the origin field for this purpose. anyway, if such a message is coming, is that a right assumption that $HOST should be the sending IP/reverse DNS hostname? 18:13:47
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven Yes 18:13:49
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 can you have more digits in RP/? and CLC? 18:20:38
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 and do you happen to have a reference to the device/product in question? a documentation link would be great but if all else a product page works too 18:24:07
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven Sure the CLC comes from a CBR8 running ios-xe 16.x and 17.x 18:25:58
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven RP is from ios-xr 7.x NCS5500 and asr9922 18:28:12
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I have this running locally, but can you give me a sample for CLC so I can include it in the samples? 18:28:44
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I mean complete line. Just to make sure I found the right spots to match on. 18:29:00
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven <187>3408: CLC 6/0: Dec 11 13:31:14.214 EST: %PKI-3-CERTIFICATE_INVALID_EXPIRED: Certificate chain validation has failed. The certificate (SN: XXXXXXXX) has expired. Validity period ended on 2025-01-23T00:00:00Z 18:32:42
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 that was useful thanks, I got it wrong 18:35:31
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven To be honest don't even think Cisco sends a $HOST and I just always pull from dns 18:37:42
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I have this sample: <#164>Aug 08 16:58:18 DEVICE123 : %FTD-4-106023: test cisco asa 18:38:36
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 and this: 166>2022-02-16T15:31:53Z na-zy-int-fp1140-p02 : %FTD-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from FOO-WAN_IN: to FOO-OUTSIDE: 18:38:53
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 logging origin-id 18:39:23
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven ah weird ASA would send but not IOS 18:42:06
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven ASA /FirePower is probably the only thing we dont have deployed 18:42:38
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4749 18:44:31
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I have added the new value to .cisco.cpu_module 18:44:59
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 the HOST is not populated in this case, so should remain the same as it was set to before the parser 18:45:18
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven ok 18:45:36
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven i think it gets set to the timezone with our date config 🙂 atleast when i push the line via nc 18:46:02
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven in my initial 4.4 testing 18:46:41
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I had this config: 18:48:05
@include 'scl.conf'

log {
    source { tcp(port(2000) flags(no-parse)); };
    parser { cisco-parser(); };
    destination { stdout(template("$ISODATE $HOST $(format-json .cisco.*) $MSG\n")); };
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 and it gave me this output as I sent your sample:
2023-12-11T12:43:29+00:00 localhost {"_cisco":{"severity":"3","mnemonic":"AUTH_FAIL","facility":"SNMP-SNMP","cpu_module":"RP/0/RP0/CPU0"}} %SNMP-SNMP-3-AUTH_FAIL : Received snmp request on unknown community from
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 but of course are free to use the template language to format it whatever you like. I am not sure about your destination/backend where you want this to end up 18:49:20

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