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29 Sep 2023
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp Well, modules compiled by GCC do not load: https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/issues/4653 πŸ˜• 08:45:22
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp alltilla1337 and a bonus issue: https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/issues/4654 GRPC modules on RHEL 9. 11:30:17
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp There are FreeBSD users who are asking for these, but the last one is more important: RHEL, the most used platform for syslog-ng. 7 is hopelessly old, RHEL 8 has too old dependencies, but in theory RHEL 9 has recent enough versions. Still, it fails. 11:33:16
2 Oct 2023
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Hello! Can some add a new submodule to the kira runner script? https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp.git -> modules/cloud-auth/jwt-cpp Thanks! 07:55:37
@_discord_1085140704721895444:t2bot.iofekete77.robert changed their display name from fekete77.robert to fekete77.robert#0.08:09:04
@_discord_1085140704721895444:t2bot.iofekete77.robert changed their display name from fekete77.robert#0 to fekete77.robert.08:09:04
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 working on it 08:27:08
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 it should work now, can you please retrigger the test? 08:31:39
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Yes, thank you! πŸ™‚ 08:36:21
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 It works, thanks! 🀟 08:54:11
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.09:26:46
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp uh, no comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/joborun/comments/16x7u8o/users_of_syslogng_beware_telemetry_is_coming_not/ 16:24:01
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp bazsi77: well, what do you think? Should I ignore it, or should I try to explain the guy what it is? πŸ˜„ 16:42:16
@_discord_505787041024442369:t2bot.iosg2566 Am I understand this correctly that he assumes that the software collects "telemetry"/usage data with/without consent? 19:24:44
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno yes, but it's very unclear for me how he ended up thinking that syslog-ng has anything to do with telemetry.
grpc -> googleapis -> telemetry?

he also mentioned systemd too, but I don't understand the reasoning.
or the opentelemetry keyword may have caused some confusion, I really don't understand
3 Oct 2023
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp Yeah. Looking at them again, this time a bit closer, they seem to be a kind of sect, 34 users who try to rebuild Arch with old behavior. So ignoring them is probably the easiest choice... 04:16:36
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I responded to them in reddit. 04:30:24
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp I'm not sure if they are able to deal with any rational arguments, but thanks anyway πŸ™‚ 04:36:19
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 bazsi77 Did they remove your comment or did you? I could see it half an hour ago, but not now. 06:36:51
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Its still there 06:37:37
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@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Maybe it's because I am not logged in on this computer, interesting. Sorry for the noise. 06:39:50
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.08:57:43
5 Oct 2023
@_discord_1159393691702661130:t2bot.iozeroge_00437 joined the room.07:36:48
@_discord_349665824086294539:t2bot.ioplaymtl joined the room.10:59:35
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp Just a heads up that after seeing the flood of merges on syslog-ng git master I did my usual weekly snapshot builds on openSUSE / SLES, Fedora / RHEL and FreeBSD. Completely problem-free, I just had to adjust the version number in spec files... 14:09:04
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 That's cool. We only merged small stuff though. 14:09:57
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp My experience is that even a two line change can break old platforms or FreeBSD, while hundreds of lines of code can go in without breaking anything. There is no easy way to predict effects, just by doing real testing πŸ™‚ 14:13:41
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch pretty excited about the logs->S3 feature ofc on FreeBSD too 19:55:35
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch It won’t be s3 in my case but a different store 19:56:13

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