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23 Jun 2023
@_discord_215087304216150016:t2bot.ioomsok joined the room.18:34:33
26 Jun 2023
@_discord_187556860344139776:t2bot.io.pippz joined the room.15:58:23
28 Jun 2023
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 changed their display name from alltilla to alltilla1337#0.07:42:01
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 changed their display name from alltilla1337#0 to alltilla1337.07:42:03
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 I can see KIRA tests fail regularly. Was there any IPv6 changes on the runners? 07:42:05
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 For example the expected message in an SMPT test case is Subject: ALERT: Critical error on localhost but Subject: ALERT: Critical error on ip6-localhost gets resolved from subject("ALERT: Critical error on $HOST"). 07:43:23
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 * For example the expected message in an SMPTP test case is Subject: ALERT: Critical error on localhost but Subject: ALERT: Critical error on ip6-localhost gets resolved from subject("ALERT: Critical error on $HOST"). 07:43:32
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 * For example the expected message in an SMTP test case is Subject: ALERT: Critical error on localhost but Subject: ALERT: Critical error on ip6-localhost gets resolved from subject("ALERT: Critical error on $HOST"). 07:43:34
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 grg_2145 07:44:12
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 hmm yesterday there was an outage, let meg check it. That could have caused some issues 07:45:39
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Same problems in http test cases: expected => X-Syslog-Host: localhost actual => X-Syslog-Host: ip6-localhost 07:47:11
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 Idon't know how much time it will take to sync the changes, but when it happens kira will be freed from this issues 08:19:31
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 * It should be fixed, I don't know how much time it will take to sync the changes, but when it happens kira will be freed from this issues 08:20:01
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 aare the timezone tests are broken as well? 08:20:46
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 yes 08:22:04
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 (i can see them fail on the jenkins, but I am not sure) 08:22:09
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Outgoing message; message='Jan 1 18:45:22 ip6-localhost prg00000[1234]: test message\x0a' 08:22:35
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 expected_output_message = 'Jan 1 18:45:22 localhost prg00000[1234]: test message' 08:22:39
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 functions/other-functions/timezone/009-destination-timezone-handling-when-timezone-in-input-message 08:22:55
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 I think i fixed these ones as well, it will be visible to you after it syncs. 10:34:07
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 I can confirm it is green now, thanks! 🙂 12:04:18
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 hopefully it wont broke sorry that it did 🙂 12:11:03
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 no problem 🙂 12:33:11
29 Jun 2023
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 Hi!

I have a PR (https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4526) which adds alternative names to some of the disk-buffer() options.
With that I have modified some of the dqtool info messages. They are checked in KIRA tests, and now are the tests are failing.

Would it be possible to extend the regex to accept both the old and the new messages?

@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 I think these are the messages that are affected: 08:37:42
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla1337 https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/blob/0f360cab2ed24091ab1b14d2c04ca1a9cea93518/modules/diskq/qdisk.c#L1541
30 Jun 2023
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them] joined the room.08:11:59
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them] heya! I am tracking down a problem on FreeBSD where inputs from unix socket have incorrect _program field when output is sent via gelf 08:13:42
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 It's probably a source side parsing problem. If you enable trace level messages you should see the PROGRAM field to be set. 08:15:49

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