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30 Jun 2023
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]
  • full config https://termbin.com/73uc
  • GELF output via tcpdump
    T -> [AP]
    {"version":"1.1","timestamp":1688112721,"short_message":"2023-06-30T08:12:01.712539+00:00 indie postgres 52235 - - [394-1] 2023-06-30 0
    8:12:01.712 UTC [52235] LOG: checkpoint starting: time","level":6,"host":"f01","_program":"1","_facility":"local0"}.
    this one's from postgres, see "_program":"1" there?
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]I fixed haproxy by moving from RFC5424 format to the older one. bird daemon is fine.08:20:44
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them] do I enable trace via syslog-ng-ctl debug --set=on ? just never done this before 08:22:59
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I'd need the source side, that syslog-ng receives. On the debug level you should see "Incoming message" that's the input we are parsing. 08:22:59
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Newer syslog-ng's have an easier to use log-level command in syslog-ng-ctl which is easier to use. 08:23:44
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 But yeah, that should do too 08:23:52
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them] this is 4.2. I can't find the online docs btw for this, and the manpage doesn't mention log-level anywhere. 08:26:10
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 It's coming. One Identity published the docs under a more permissive license so it's only a matter of weeks now. Still need to make sure that we remove branding. 08:27:46
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]good to know :-) thank-you!08:28:39
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]OK looking (again) at tcpdump I see this08:48:10
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]UTC [21688] LOG: PID 34364 in cancel request did not match any process","level\ ":6,"host":"f01","_program":"1","_facility":"local0"}'","level":7,"host":"f01","_program":"syslog-ng","_pid":94430,"_facili ty":"syslog"}.{"version":"1.1","timestamp":1688114805,"short_message":"2023-06-30T08:46:45.195862+00:00 indie postgres 39657 - - [7-1] 2023-06-30 08:46:45.195 UTC [39657]08:49:37
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]so this makes more sense now08:49:42
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]haproxy was running in the host OS, not a container, it just needed a format nudge08:50:00
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]postgres is running in a jail08:50:09
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]but syslog-ng should still have no trouble fetching the process name, its on the host OS08:50:36
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]or maybe I'm misreading that. So, re-running, with syslog-ng in foreground08:58:25
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them][2023-06-30T08:57:45.693028] Incoming log entry; input='<134>1 2023-06-30T08:57:45.692964+00:00 indie postgres 58111 - - [3-1] 2023-06-30 08:57:45.692 UTC [58111] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5432', msg='0x83fcbef00', rcptid='0'08:58:42
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them][2023-06-30T08:57:45.693128] Outgoing message; message='{"version":"1.1","timestamp":1688115465,"short_message":"2023-06-30T08:57:45.692964+00:00 indie postgres 58111 - - [3-1] 2023-06-30 08:57:45.692 UTC [58111] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5432","level":6,"host":"f01","_program":"1","_facility":"local0"}'08:59:07
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]ok, that's useful.08:59:31
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 This probably means that your input does not parse rfc5424 style 09:02:37
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Add a flags(syslog-format) 09:02:53
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]its the "standard" FreeBSD syslog /var/run/log here09:03:29
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]I will check to see if the other app in the jail is also sending the same unexpected format09:04:23
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]is there any way to confirm if its parsing correctly?09:04:36
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Syslog is tricky to parse so by default syslog-ng tries to make the most of the message, instead of failing 09:05:10
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 The program being set to 1 actually parses the rfc5424 version string into PROGRAM 09:05:54
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them] bazsi77, perfect thanks! I add flags(syslog-protocol) and we're all happy 09:18:52
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]I should see why we are not sending RFC5424 from postgres already though09:19:07
@skunkwerks:matrix.orgdch [he/them]looks like postgres doesn't provide an alternative https://support.oneidentity.com/syslog-ng-premium-edition/kb/4273418/how-to-configure-bsd-syslog-and-ietf-syslog-message-formats-in-syslog-ng09:22:56
4 Jul 2023
@_discord_1125686588668661761:t2bot.iolazarimre78 joined the room.07:17:05

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