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4 Jul 2023
@_discord_372001126016483338:t2bot.ioYourMomIsNotMale joined the room.11:21:01
@_discord_777883678033707020:t2bot.iotherealrandomstring joined the room.11:27:06
@_discord_190911360110952449:t2bot.io_ollster joined the room.13:15:55
5 Jul 2023
@_discord_1125805993410953286:t2bot.ioalexb271 joined the room.15:51:33
6 Jul 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 changed their display name from bazsi77 to bazsi77#0.12:39:55
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 changed their display name from bazsi77#0 to bazsi77.12:39:56
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Just responded to a question of Stack Overflow on local timezone handling for filenames, I thought I'd share here. https://serverfault.com/questions/1133627/syslog-ng-timezone-change-and-hour-macro?noredirect=1#comment1478382_1133627 12:39:56
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 * Just responded to a question of ServerFault on local timezone handling for filenames, I thought I'd share here. https://serverfault.com/questions/1133627/syslog-ng-timezone-change-and-hour-macro?noredirect=1#comment1478382_1133627 12:40:21
7 Jul 2023
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione changed their display name from HoFi to hofione#0.14:48:25
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione changed their display name from hofione#0 to hofione.14:48:26
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione Hi,

some more syslog-protocol related questions
i have the following simple source

source s_remote1 { channel { # Generic syslog-protocol network source you can feed like # loggen -S 514 --reconnect -r 1 -T -s 180 -P -F # source { network( ip(localhost) transport("tcp") port(514) flags( dont-store-legacy-msghdr ) ); }; parser { syslog-parser( flags( syslog-protocol dont-store-legacy-msghdr ) ); }; }; };

i feed it with
loggen -S 514 --reconnect -r 1 -T -s 180 -P -F
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione for some reason the parsing of the produced log entries stops at the APP-NAME (PROGRAM) field and the PROCID (PID) is not processed instead becomes part of he MSG

[2023-07-07T14:36:52.211748] >>>>>> parser rule evaluation begin; rule='#anon-parser0', location='/root/data/PE7/install/etc/syslog-ng.conf:120:4', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='35' [2023-07-07T14:36:52.211767] syslog-parser message processing started; input='2023-07-07T14:36:52+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 - 10 100.3 seq: 0000000040, thread: 0000, runid: 1688739718, stamp: 2023-07-07T14:36:52 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='35' [2023-07-07T14:36:52.211807] Setting value; name='PROGRAM', value='prg00000', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='35' [2023-07-07T14:36:52.211821] Setting value; name='HOST', value='localhost', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='35' [2023-07-07T14:36:52.211835] Setting value; name='MESSAGE', value='1234 - 10 100.3 seq: 0000000040, thread: 0000, runid: 1688739718, stamp: 2023-07-07T14:36:52 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='35' [2023-07-07T14:36:52.211851] Requesting flow control; location='/root/data/PE7/install/etc/syslog-ng.conf:144:2'

could someone please explain why?
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 You parse the message twice 14:50:08
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Once in the network source (there's no no-parse flag) 14:50:23
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 This means your MSG will only contain part of the original message (we extract it as if it was BSD formatted) 14:51:18
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Then the second syslog-parser() would try to parse this remaining MSG as rfc5424 14:51:42
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione i tried no-parse for the fiirst one but it gives me parsing error in that case 14:55:12
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione in that case the produced message looks like this
Jul 7 14:56:31.841212 syslog-ng[70110]: Error processing log message: <#38>1 2023-07-07T14:56:31+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 ->@< 10 100.3 seq: 0000000072, thread: 0000, runid: 1688739718, stamp: 2023-07-07T14:56:31 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione i tried a bunch of combinations of the flags both for the first stage, the second and in invocation of loggen using the -P -F options
still cannot produce an rfc5424 compilant result
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione that gave me the best result, at least in the trace log output

[2023-07-07T14:58:44.357669] >>>>>> parser rule evaluation begin; rule='#anon-parser0', location='/root/data/PE7/install/etc/syslog-ng.conf:119:4', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357696] syslog-parser message processing started; input='<38>1 2023-07-07T14:58:44+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 - 10 100.3 seq: 0000000078, thread: 0000, runid: 1688739718, stamp: 2023-07-07T14:58:44 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357834] Setting value; name='HOST', value='localhost', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357852] Setting value; name='PROGRAM', value='prg00000', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357866] Setting value; name='PID', value='1234', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357891] Setting value; name='HOST', value='', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357923] Setting value; name='MESSAGE', value='Error processing log message: <38>1 2023-07-07T14:58:44+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 ->@< 10 100.3 seq: 0000000078, thread: 0000, runid: 1688739718, stamp: 2023-07-07T14:58:44 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357940] Setting value; name='PROGRAM', value='syslog-ng', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357956] Setting value; name='PID', value='70113', type='string', msg='0x7ffff40148a0', rcptid='2' [2023-07-07T14:58:44.357976] Requesting flow control; location='/root/data/PE7/install/etc/syslog-ng.conf:143:2'
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione but for some reason also led to an 'Error processing log message' too 15:00:15
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione actually that is the reason i stated to try it in 2 passes

if i simply try to parse the output of the loggen -P -F ....
(that otherwise looks perfect for me, like:
'<38>1 2023-07-07T15:30:50+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 - 10 100.3 seq: 0000000102, thread: 0000, runid: 1688742509, stamp: 2023-07-07T15:30:50 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD'
and using
source first_run { network( ip(localhost) transport("tcp") port(514) flags( syslog-protocol dont-store-legacy-msghdr #no-parse ) ); };
that gives the same result
an errored output
Jul 7 15:30:52.035155 localhost syslog-ng[70161]: Error processing log message: <38>1 2023-07-07T15:30:52+00:00 localhost prg00000 1234 ->@< 10 100.3 seq: 0000000104, thread: 0000, runid: 1688742509, stamp: 2023-07-07T15:30:52 PADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADDPADD
8 Jul 2023
@_discord_637068706450767884:t2bot.iocpuram1 joined the room.20:20:08
10 Jul 2023
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione just for the record, the issue was the malformed STRUCTURED-DATA part
sorry for the false alert
@_discord_1100403331454738442:t2bot.iobruno.bressi changed their display name from bruno.bressi to bruno.bressi#0.15:01:55
@_discord_1100403331454738442:t2bot.iobruno.bressi changed their display name from bruno.bressi#0 to bruno.bressi.15:02:20
@_discord_501293741810778112:t2bot.iofaxmodem#0 changed their display name from faxmodem#5219 to faxmodem#0.17:22:10
11 Jul 2023
@_discord_583695957141487619:t2bot.iojosephsaber joined the room.08:50:11
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno changed their display name from Anno to mranno#0.11:57:43
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno changed their display name from mranno#0 to mranno.11:57:43

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