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20 Jul 2023
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno okay, thank you πŸ™‚ 09:34:31
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 it looks like that the sync is only every week, but boke 2 weeks ago, but it broke with access denied we might need some time 09:37:51
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno (the sync should be triggered automatically every time any internal testdb branches are pushed) 09:38:58
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno * (the sync should be triggered automatically every time any internal testdb branches are pushed. at least that was how it originally worked πŸ™‚ ) 09:39:50
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 yes you're right(it did not tried because it was broken) Folti Fixed it for us, it sjould be in sync now 09:51:33
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno it's green, thank you πŸ™‚ 11:00:15
@_discord_466274987867766784:t2bot.iocerregulus joined the room.12:44:45
21 Jul 2023
@_discord_1131854038057635860:t2bot.ioy-eight joined the room.07:44:51
@_discord_368688501157527552:t2bot.ioy_eight joined the room.07:50:48
@_discord_1120630562378489938:t2bot.ioliquidanalysator joined the room.08:34:16
24 Jul 2023
@_discord_1132975426025836584:t2bot.ioTobias MΓΌller joined the room.10:00:19
25 Jul 2023
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp Hi 14:45:13
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp A question about "parallelize() support for pipelines" 14:45:21
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 https://github.com/buytenh/ivykis/pull/25 14:48:18
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp So, even if I update ivykis in EPEL 9 and Fedora, I need to recompile syslog-ng as well. 14:48:20
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 This is one reason we started to offer containers, these things get messy easily. I am not sure if that feature is crucial for those who use the distro packages, it addresses a niche case, where a single chatty client sends a lot of messages to syslog-ng 14:49:02
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp I'll definitely add this patch to Fedora Rawhide, there are no barriers there. EPEL 9 is a tougher question: I might skip it, as it's a many weeks project with multiple barriers. But I can make my own Fedora / RHEL repos have a modified ivykis. 14:56:02
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 we are also talking to Lennert to help the maintenance of ivykis somehow so that the patch can be incorporated. 14:56:51
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 but the last release of ivykis is relatively old. 14:57:02
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp OK, just checked: FreeBSD also uses the bundled ivykis version. 15:03:11
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp So, I only need extra work on Fedora / RHEL. 15:03:24
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp "only": that's our most used platform where I maintain both the official and unofficial packages... πŸ˜„ 15:04:31
@_discord_371786088941092895:t2bot.iodankgus joined the room.15:23:58
26 Jul 2023
@_discord_603609722788118529:t2bot.ioel_satan joined the room.06:09:06
@_discord_603609722788118529:t2bot.ioel_satan Can somebody help me with the syslog-ng config? I'm moving from Rancher-Logging (which uses the "old" 3.17 logging operator chart) to the new 4.2.3 Chart but having a hard time getting syslog-ng to work.
First off, the logging.enable did nothing for me, I had to create the logging resource by myself. For the start I have a HTTP ClusterOutput that (should) put logs to Loki and two Flows that have it as the globalOutputRefs. But the syslog-ng pod can't start and inspecting the generated syslog-ng.conf I can see, that the generated logs point to a non existing destination rather than the loki destination which is also there. Am I missing something? This is one of my Flows and the cluster output:
apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: SyslogNGFlow
  name: nginx
  namespace: ingress-nginx
    - loki
      - regexp:
          pattern: ingress-nginx
          type: string
          value: json.kubernetes.labels.app.kubernetes.io/instance
apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: SyslogNGClusterOutput
  name: loki
  namespace: logging
    url: http://loki-gateway.loki
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 pepov can you offer some help here? 06:39:08
@_discord_603609722788118529:t2bot.ioel_satanRedacted or Malformed Event06:41:03
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Can somebody help me with the syslog ng 06:43:20
Download sng43norm_vs_parallelize.png
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp I used my sngbench script to compare configurations with and without the new parallelize() feature of syslog-ng 4.3.0 10:38:38

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