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4 Aug 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 We do have other grpc based drivers in the queue though 17:21:38
6 Aug 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 hofione I was trying to find out what I broke in Kira in relation to #4582 but I couldn't fix by dropping patches from the series. Can you help? Thanks 11:52:37
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione I'll take a look at this tomorrow 19:00:03
7 Aug 2023
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione we have several network, etc. issues currently, probably in the afternoon, sorry 08:30:36
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 thanks Hofi 08:31:02
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione bazsi77 could you plz take a look at this https://github.com/bazsi/ivykis/pull/1
this is needed to fix remaining ivykis build issues (as OSE CI builds treat those warnings as errors)
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione thanks!
but, my bad, I requested the merge onto master, but it should be reflected on your branch that is used in OSE currently, could you plz reapply it on iv-work-pool-support-for-slave-work-items
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione * thanks!
but, my bad, I requested the merge onto master, but it should be reflected on your branch that is used in OSE currently, could you plz reapply it on iv-work-pool-support-for-slave-work-items
(created a PR meanwhile for this too https://github.com/bazsi/ivykis/pull/2)
@_discord_1137733064391413791:t2bot.iogabor_51687 joined the room.17:55:56
@_discord_686680628996997198:t2bot.iolmesz joined the room.18:16:10
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione I did not forget this, but we are working on a repeated release, and it has a deadline, sorry, I'll get back to this once the release is done 19:58:25
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 No problem, thanks for taking care of it 21:04:29
8 Aug 2023
@_discord_552010534086639626:t2bot.ioFuckMattLaFleur joined the room.00:30:00
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofioneRedacted or Malformed Event12:21:34
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione at first sight most of the issues are crashes (5 out of 9) could you reach the coredump files? (some of them can be seen in the logs partially too) 12:22:02
@_discord_1138450088436437082:t2bot.iolguillau_20349 joined the room.12:35:11
@_discord_1138450088436437082:t2bot.iolguillau_20349 Hello there,
I'm looking for help to understand the behaviour of the quote-pairs() option in the CSV parser.
The doc says delimiter characters between quote chars are ignored, but it seems not if a new line is inserted in a CSV cell.

For example, here is a log message generated by PostgreSQL.

2023-08-08 12:05:52.805 UTC,,,22113,,64d22fa0.5661,1,,2023-08-08 12:05:52 UTC,23/74060,0,LOG,00000,"automatic vacuum of table ""zabbix.public.graph_discovery"": index scans: 0
pages: 0 removed, 4 remain, 0 skipped due to pins, 0 skipped frozen
tuples: 114 removed, 268 remain, 0 are dead but not yet removable, oldest xmin: 149738000
buffer usage: 97 hits, 0 misses, 6 dirtied
avg read rate: 0.000 MB/s, avg write rate: 114.609 MB/s
system usage: CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s",,,,,,,,,""

I configured Syslog-NG to read the log file, with CSV parser and the configuration below.

parser p_postgres {
9 Aug 2023
@_discord_1138829259914367096:t2bot.ioloicbertrand_23053 joined the room.13:54:03
10 Aug 2023
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione Actually, there are 5 issues, 3 of them are crashes, 2 of them seem to be real changes caused problems, I'll check the latter 2, bazsi77 could you please check the crashes? 08:48:29
@_discord_471019132050079754:t2bot.ioNotoriousTOB joined the room.16:01:21
@_discord_1139306373268652213:t2bot.ioharmonious_dragon_24627 joined the room.21:17:20
11 Aug 2023
@_discord_1139605235006980136:t2bot.iogabo_02447 joined the room.17:04:40
@_discord_1131672062776316084:t2bot.iokozmagabor. joined the room.17:07:50
13 Aug 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 hofione I didn't follow which crashes you mention here. 17:21:40
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 hofione is it listed under a PR somewhere? 17:22:20
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione this is the kira test result list: https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/

the crashing cases are the following it seems
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_source-drivers_network-based-drivers_driver-dependent_012-check-so-rcvbuf/zts_01/product_oseip_protocol_4driver_syslogplatform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdtransport_tcp/
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_other-functions_statistics_013-stats-check-max-and-avg-counters-after-reload-and-reset/zts__stats_check_max_and_avg_counters_after_reload_and_reset/platform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdversion_4_3product_ose/
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_other-functions_add_contextual_data_006_invalid_csv/zts__rfc_valid_csv/platform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdversion_4_3/

I had time only to investigate one of the remaining two issues, i've added comments about the result to the PR

sorry, but i'm on holiday now till 21 of August and will not really have too much chance check the other one :S
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Me too 🙂 18:52:34
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione * this is the kira test result list: https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/

the crashing cases are the following it seems
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_source-drivers_network-based-drivers_driver-dependent_012-check-so-rcvbuf/zts_01/product_oseip_protocol_4driver_syslogplatform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdtransport_tcp/
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_other-functions_statistics_013-stats-check-max-and-avg-counters-after-reload-and-reset/zts__stats_check_max_and_avg_counters_after_reload_and_reset/platform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdversion_4_3product_ose/
- https://ci.syslog-ng.com/job/kira-test-compile-cmake-run-testdb/12113/testReport/syslog-ng-pe-testdb_functions_other-functions_add_contextual_data_006_invalid_csv/zts__rfc_valid_csv/platform_ubuntu_xenial_amd64syslogger_syslogdversion_4_3/

I had time only to investigate one of the remaining two issues, i've added comments about the result to the PR

sorry, but i'm on holiday now till 21 of August and will not really have too much chance to check the other one :S
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione have a good one 😉 18:53:27
14 Aug 2023
@_discord_1138383330702802984:t2bot.iomeera_15383 joined the room.06:03:04

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