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26 Aug 2023
@_discord_428148091334557696:t2bot.iogiakinh2000 changed their display name from giakinh2000 to giakinh2000#0.10:43:45
@_discord_428148091334557696:t2bot.iogiakinh2000 changed their display name from giakinh2000#0 to giakinh2000.10:43:49
29 Aug 2023
@_discord_1145989744161992724:t2bot.iokorro_93890 joined the room.07:54:39
30 Aug 2023
@_discord_1146324699303903263:t2bot.ioflorianstoeber_64616 joined the room.06:05:42
31 Aug 2023
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno grg_2145 hofione It seems the nightly is broken, the auth token used for uploading packages to Azure has probably expired:

Could you take a look, please? We had internal documentations about how these auth tokens were generated.
(This is about the APT repository ose-repo.syslog-ng.com)
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno * grg_2145 hofione It seems the nightly is broken, the auth token used for uploading packages to Azure has probably expired:

Could you take a look, please? We had internal documentation about how these auth tokens were generated.
(This is about the APT repository ose-repo.syslog-ng.com)
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno * grg_2145 hofione It seems the nightly is broken, the auth token used for uploading packages to Azure has probably expired:
AZURE_SAS_TOKEN - uploaded on on Aug 28, 2022

Could you take a look, please? We had internal documentation about how these auth tokens were generated.
(This is about the APT repository ose-repo.syslog-ng.com)
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno * grg_2145 hofione It seems the nightly is broken, the auth token used for uploading packages to Azure has probably expired:
AZURE_SAS_TOKEN - uploaded on Aug 28, 2022

Could you take a look, please? We had internal documentation about how these auth tokens were generated.
(This is about the APT repository ose-repo.syslog-ng.com)
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 Sorry I dod not check discord immediately in the meantime fyi I asked folti about it, hopefully it will be fixed soon. 08:05:49
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno Thank you 08:06:54
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eu@genofire:matrix.sum7.eu left the room.16:10:06
@_discord_1146924972976128031:t2bot.iocyrusmc_22944 joined the room.21:50:58
1 Sep 2023
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 It lookes like that is is fine now 🙂 (for 2 years at least) 08:51:18
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno Sounds like a reasonable amount of time 😄 thank you, grg_2145 and Folti! 08:58:41
4 Sep 2023
@_discord_389762728409038850:t2bot.ioorionhungary joined the room.12:10:59
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione Hi,
It seems the GitHub CI builds are failing continuously with some strange error, I can see the result, but not the reason. (My bet is some space issue again?!)
I asked Folti to check this out in the morning
6 Sep 2023
@_discord_803533195936006145:t2bot.iof.stoeber joined the room.14:53:18
@_discord_803533195936006145:t2bot.iof.stoeber changed their display name from f.stoeber to f.stoeber#0.15:12:44
@_discord_803533195936006145:t2bot.iof.stoeber changed their display name from f.stoeber#0 to f.stoeber.15:12:45
7 Sep 2023
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione Hi,
It's been a while i tried to build and run syslog-ng, but now I get an error when starting it (built from latest master)
iv_tls_user_register: called after iv_init
were there any changes in the last few weeks that could cause an issue like this?
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 This is usually caused by a module that sits in your install directory which was compiled against an older syslog-ng version 14:53:47
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 The old module pulls in an old libsyslog-ng.so version both initializing ivykis 14:54:18
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.iohofione thanks, cleaning up my install dest!

just curious, should not
cmake --build ./build -j 16 --target clean
clean up the install destination too?
@_discord_565564561357275176:t2bot.ioczp My experience on FreeBSD, where the compile is not in a chroot, like all the build system compile syslog-ng on SUSE or Fedora: if syslog-ng is installed, then syslog-ng compiled against the old libsyslog-ng.so and fails to start in many cases, as during installation the old lib is replaced by the new one... 15:09:04
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 no, it just cleans your build dir. in automake there's an uninstall target along with install 16:05:34
8 Sep 2023
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 hofione alexb271 I was reviewing the proxied-tcp changes (PR #4613) where I suggested to get rid off the old implementation. I delved into a bit more and stumbled into the niceties of the "multitransport" feature, which I don't like too much. At the moment, I can see a single user of it in the tree (the "proxied-tls-passthrough" logproto) and I was wondering if you had any out-of-tree user of it. 04:41:12
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 Nevertheless, I think the proxies-tcp LogProto and constructor can be removed easily while leaving in the passthrough version, which we should also be able to remove, but maybe a bit more involved. I'd be willing to remove the partial "removal" for now. We will get to the rest eventually. 04:42:35
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 HI bazsi77 I quickly cheked it, we indeed have a out of tree user of the multitransport user for it our ALTP implementation
If ytoure curious on what it is a good description for it is here https://support.oneidentity.com/technical-documents/syslog-ng-premium-edition/7.0.33/administration-guide/77#TOPIC-2036703
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 this is probably the reason why the multitransport thing exists in syslog-ng 06:18:41
@_discord_347847304394571786:t2bot.iomranno Multitransport is used to implement STARTTLS functionality or to enable compression on-the-fly. 07:04:29

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