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22 Dec 2023
@_discord_989385913601773569:t2bot.iodipak140 joined the room.07:26:42
26 Dec 2023
@_discord_1176596701780381747:t2bot.ioblagi_65247 joined the room.22:31:38
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_626991723595300885:t2bot.iosunc363587351 joined the room.05:18:02
@_discord_1167395460399501362:t2bot.iowhok8s_08944 joined the room.10:19:35
@_discord_713124101169872981:t2bot.iowhok8s joined the room.10:27:32
@_discord_344992579026419714:t2bot.ioeudyptes_mosleyi joined the room.15:11:43
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.ioHoFi Hi,
I finally got a working build of GRPC dependant modules on macOS as well
2 questions

1. it seems libgrpc-protos.dylib got referenced in the otel and the bigquery modules from
intead of
or the libgrpc-protos.dylib lib is installed to an incorrect location (install/lib/syslog-ng)
which one is the required here?

2. it seems the VERSION file in the root folder of the syslog-ng repository is used only during the packaging flows
is this true?
(i just simply renamed the file, clean built everything and the build was successful, syslog-ng --version shows a correct version number)
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.ioHoFi * Hi,
I finally got a working build of GRPC dependant modules on macOS as well
2 questions

1. it seems libgrpc-protos.dylib got referenced in the otel and the bigquery modules from
intead of
or the libgrpc-protos.dylib lib is installed to an incorrect location (install/lib/syslog-ng/)
which one is the required here?

2. it seems the VERSION file in the root folder of the syslog-ng repository is used only during the packaging flows
is this true?
(i just simply renamed the file, clean built everything and the build was successful, syslog-ng --version shows a correct version number)
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 1. I think it should go inside the lib/syslog-ng directory, as this may collide with other, system provided, libraries. 16:01:19
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 2. the VERSION file is used by autoconf as well (through the scripts/version.sh script which determines the version number for make dist) 16:02:39
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.ioHoFi upps, tried with cmake only
that makes the things even bit complicated than
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.ioHoFi * upps, tried with cmake only
that makes the things even bit more complicated than
@_discord_1192578866053664828:t2bot.iocelestial_dolphin_45229 joined the room.21:23:32
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_505787041024442369:t2bot.ioSg changed their display name from Sg to sg2566.21:19:56
6 Jan 2024
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I have now opened a PR that renames the version file to avoid the conflict. 09:05:01
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4775 09:05:37
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 I have manually checked the workflows and they seem to work 09:05:56
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_1193488560242823219:t2bot.iobusyboy_75400 joined the room.09:37:57
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_1077596677457850429:t2bot.iopepov0731 joined the room.08:34:35
@_discord_839876246518366218:t2bot.ioHoFi great news, we will see the PE side once we have the 8.0 build system ready , hopefully there will be no isuues 😉 11:41:50
@_discord_1085171911249641513:t2bot.ioalltilla Hi, it seems like the stress test cannot run on PRs 14:38:52
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_1174767437229596706:t2bot.iojwitrick_91242 12:03:36
@_discord_1194339285592191068:t2bot.iovignan_21028 joined the room.17:58:14
@_discord_1194369828354527292:t2bot.ioneilb_85217 joined the room.19:59:46
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_690176260885970978:t2bot.iooshri7737 joined the room.09:47:46
@_discord_1146726892695728179:t2bot.ioremi_84057 joined the room.11:08:50
@_discord_886955381715267604:t2bot.iorverchere joined the room.11:11:25
@_discord_1194644378464038922:t2bot.iomagical_kitten_02917 joined the room.14:11:37
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_252833123220324352:t2bot.io.fsh joined the room.11:34:26
9 Feb 2024
Room Avatar Renderer.11:30:52

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