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25 Apr 2023
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco so all the firewalls are actually disabled.. I don't think iptables plays a rule here 16:32:52
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco [root@facebook-logstash:/var/containers/syslog-ng]# systemctl status firewalld.service
○ firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:firewalld(1)
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco I don't have anything filtering in the container itself 16:33:41
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco either 16:33:43
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco [root@facebook-logstash:/var/containers/syslog-ng]#
[root@facebook-logstash:/var/containers/syslog-ng]# podman exec -it containers_syslog-ng_1 bash
root@4240d758fa79:/# ipc
ipcmk ipcrm ipcs
root@4240d758fa79:/# ipc
ipcmk ipcrm ipcs
root@4240d758fa79:/# ipc
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco would you recommend removing this container from the docker compose and run as standalone 16:34:08
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco ? 16:34:09
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 no. 16:34:14
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 on the host, what does "iptables -Lvnx" display? 16:34:24
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 sorry, it's iptables -L -vnx 16:34:52
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 iptables can be populated outside of firewalld as well. 16:35:08
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 or, you don't have access to the host? 16:36:03
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco i do 16:44:17
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco oh 16:44:34
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco [root@facebook-logstash:/var/containers/syslog-ng]# iptables -L -vnx
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
17251 1298716 NETAVARK_FORWARD all -- * * /* netavark firewall plugin rules */

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain NETAVARK_FORWARD (1 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
6124 380057 ACCEPT all -- * * ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
6239 473718 ACCEPT all -- * *
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 iptables seem to require root access even for listing the ruleset, but I am sure it's not emptty 16:44:39
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco you are right.. this is what I have 16:44:55
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco let me check how do I stop iptables 16:45:05
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 ok, but this should not be a limit. there's nothing preventing input on port 514 in this ruleset. 16:45:22
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco btw, the syslog packets are coming as v6 packets.. 16:45:24
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 ah, ip6tables then. 16:45:34
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco [root@facebook-logstash:/var/containers/syslog-ng]# ip6tables -L -vnx
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
9005 1862568 NETAVARK_FORWARD all * * ::/0 ::/0 /* netavark firewall plugin rules */

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain NETAVARK_FORWARD (1 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
3219 1049161 ACCEPT all * * ::/0 2001:10:8:70::/64 ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
3730 385992 ACCEPT all * * 2001:10:8:70::/64 ::/0
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 so, your INPUT is empty, but FORWARD is not. 16:46:33
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 It might happen that podman based containers will actually use the forwarding path. The container is in a separate network namespace, so it needs to receive packets somehow. 16:47:10
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco hmmm. 16:47:27
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 If I look at your NETAVARK_FORWARD chain, it seems to allow outgoing connections only. 16:47:34
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 no 16:47:38
@_discord_914929598179975239:t2bot.iobazsi77 stupid me. there's no DENY rule. 16:47:49
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco right 16:47:53
@_discord_365627256678121483:t2bot.iodeco you are not stupid 🙂 16:47:59

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