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18 Sep 2023
@shleeable:matrix.orgShleeIs there any way/plan for FW to support those details? or can I just copy/paste it in somewhere?02:38:28
19 Sep 2023
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990 (Old) changed their display name from eroc1990 to eroc1990 (Old).03:38:55
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990 (Old) left the room.14:18:06
20 Sep 2023
@gcrk:tchncs.degcrk (he/him) Shlee: Which detail isn't supported? WAV should be supported already 06:25:15
@shleeable:matrix.orgShleeSorry. this is a particular request... so I'll expand a little If I grab a copy of EAC or some cd ripper... and make a FLAC copy of an album.. the encoding log shows all of the values of all of the tracks. this log can be validated again tools like https://github.com/OPSnet/Logchecker to show the album is "complete and perfect".10:11:59
@shleeable:matrix.orgShleeI believe funkwhale just uploads "tracks"... but this would be closer to supporting and validating albums as a whole.10:12:59
@shleeable:matrix.orgShleeThe concept would be similar to a private torrent tracker... but if somebody uploads an MP3 copy of an album, you can upload a FLAC copy to replace it because it's better, but only if it's valid.10:13:55
@shleeable:matrix.orgShleethis might be wayyy out of the scope10:14:04
21 Sep 2023
@rra:matrix.orgrra left the room.07:14:35
@dinhan:matrix.orgAn left the room.14:54:49
22 Sep 2023
@spudbud:matrix.orgspudbud left the room.18:38:13
25 Sep 2023
@sichkovskyi:matrix.orgYurii changed their profile picture.15:39:52
@sichkovskyi:matrix.orgYurii left the room.15:45:40
26 Sep 2023
In reply to @shleeable:matrix.org
The concept would be similar to a private torrent tracker... but if somebody uploads an MP3 copy of an album, you can upload a FLAC copy to replace it because it's better, but only if it's valid.
If you want to upload a better quality this is already implement in fw. The only thing you have to do is make sure the file are properly tagged with musibrainz ids. Be aware that the same albums can have various versions. In musicbrainz this will mean there is various releases id for the "same" album. So make sure to use the same release id.
@petitminion2:matrix.orgpetitminion2For now quality filter for serving file are not implemented yet but it's on the way. This way you will be hable to choose which quality stream and whic quality download you prefer 10:08:21
@nickyviki:matrix.orgnicky1086New telegram accounts for sell $610:32:48
28 Sep 2023
@human_susy:matrix.orgNova changed their display name from 🐺Person on FluffyChat🐺 [they/them] to Nova (old. previous name: Person On Fluffychat).19:23:59
30 Sep 2023
@sharpenedferret:matrix.refract.ccsharpenedferret left the room.00:44:33
1 Oct 2023
@box464:matrix.orgJeff joined the room.05:49:10
@damon_:matrix.orgdamon_ joined the room.18:41:21
2 Oct 2023
@human_susy:matrix.orgNova changed their display name from Nova (old. previous name: Person On Fluffychat) to Nova.06:04:08
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event18:53:26
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event18:53:58
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event19:07:31
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event19:08:28
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event20:33:12
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event20:41:50
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event20:41:59
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nirRedacted or Malformed Event20:46:15
@miv2nir:matrix.miv2nir.memiv2nir * the admin is also accessible although slow20:46:18

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