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7 Sep 2024
@anon3000:catgirl.cloud@anon3000:catgirl.cloud left the room.14:36:00
@dscottboggs:matrix.org@dscottboggs:matrix.org left the room.17:42:03
10 Sep 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Kodi News: Kodi 21.1 "Omega" - Release 12:13:17
13 Sep 2024
@hoerli:matrix.hoerli.netHoerli joined the room.20:48:11
15 Sep 2024
@aven427:matrix.orgaven427 joined the room.11:59:53
@aven427:matrix.orgaven427 Hi, I am having trouble with Horus and Acestream. It pops up some kind of error that I tried to fix by clearing Caché in CristalAzul add-on and Luar, but didn´t work. When I tried to reinstall Acestream via Horus only get that error. I have the log in case it is necessary, thanks! 12:04:55
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak aven427: https://kodi.wiki/view/Official:Forum_rules/Banned_add-ons 13:50:45
19 Sep 2024
@neogargamel:matrix.org@neogargamel:matrix.org left the room.20:23:32
@rien333:matrix.org@rien333:matrix.org left the room.21:20:32
20 Sep 2024
@_slack_teamkodi_U06L4QG00SG:matrix.orgpanni changed their profile picture.11:28:19
@_slack_teamkodi_U06L4QG00SG:matrix.orgpanni Is there a way to refresh a plugin's translations programmatically? When updating a plugin not via a kodi repository, changed/new entries in strings.po don't work unless Kodi is restarted. 11:28:19
@_slack_teamkodi_U06L4QG00SG:matrix.orgpanni Also, is there a way to restart a service endpoint when its code has been updated? (StopScript also doesn't work on addons with multiple entrypoints) 16:12:59
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoIs anyone here familiar with NymphCast?21:44:08
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoHaving an addon for this would be great I think21:46:39
@_slack_teamkodi_U07J7TDRU:matrix.orgkeith joined the room.23:47:24
@_slack_teamkodi_U07J7TDRU:matrix.orgkeith not a bad idea, but i dont see any way to integrate this in python 23:47:34
@_slack_teamkodi_U07J7TDRU:matrix.orgkeith and a binary addon is much more effort 23:47:41
23 Sep 2024
In reply to @_slack_teamkodi_U07J7TDRU:matrix.org
and a binary addon is much more effort
Moar effort pls
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoNot sure why they went for from-the-scratch UI and not opted-in for something like Kodi09:37:16
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoRegardless tho, the top two projects can still be integrated into Kodi09:38:26
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoThere are all these gorgeous OSS projects but with their own visual styles and using them together becomes jarring. I'm not saying diversity and customisability should be ditched. On the contrary, it should be increased by adding also one more option of a universal, mature visual style that, if used, would unmistakably make a whole out of all of these projects.15:06:49
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrzno* There are all these gorgeous OSS projects but with their own visual and interaction styles and using them together becomes jarring. I'm not saying diversity and customisability should be ditched. On the contrary, it should be increased by adding also one more option of a universal, mature visual style that, if used, would unmistakably make a whole out of all of these projects.15:08:15
@_slack_teamkodi_U07J7TDRU:matrix.orgkeith garbear have you seen these ^^ 15:13:22
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover

hello there!

So, today I set up a new kodi installation, and was reminded again of how complex it actually is to install the kodi screenreader, aka services.xbmc.tts, especially since it's not in the repository anymore.

Before recently, the only possible options for making stuff accessible were:

  • write it in a toolkit which supports accessibility, gtk, qt, electron, etc are all good options
  • implement the accessibility logic yourself, which is undesirable because it's platform-specific and tedious besides
  • use text to speech solutions to essentially self-voice your ui, which is clearly not working out with kodi, because y'all don't want to make the screenreader a part of the program, with a good reason

So then, a new option appeared relatively recently, it's called accesskit, which I believe would be awesome for integrating with kodi. Here's what I know about access kit, all good reasons for which adding it should be considered

  • it's cross-platform, working with all platforms it supports behind the adaptor abstraction. This only works with windows, mac OS and linux, but that's very important as well, even if that's what we could access with the previous kodi screenreader before, this time the adon wouldn't be required and kodi would be accessible by default
  • its architecture is based on imediate UI paradigms, which means you provide it with tree diffs of what changed between the current frame and the previous one, not unlike what you already do with rendering, and it figures out the rest in such a way that it just works with all supported screenreaders and operating systems
  • it's written in rust, so less memory management issues over all, plus a relatively simpler dependency chain if you just take it vendored like that, though you can also actually integrate it with sources and all. Most important though, it has C bindings, which means it would integrate nicely with kodi. It also has python bindings, if adding it at that layer instead is better
  • because it's native UI, a lot more controls would be accessible than the screenreader could present before, media descriptions for example, along with other similar things, so a win win for everyone

Finally, the relevant links:

  • accesskit website: https://accesskit.dev/
  • C bindings, including an example accessible application, which uses sdl to manage focus and such, for a dummy application which is invisible to everything but the accessibility infrastructure: https://github.com/AccessKit/accesskit-c
  • python bindings: https://pypi.org/project/accesskit/

So, what do y'all think? could this be revisited again, now that there's a universal framework to make this kind of UI accessible? I really hope so, and would be glad to do the testing to make sure it works, at least on linux, and I know people who can test on windows too

@loks12:matrix.org@loks12:matrix.org joined the room.17:44:19
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