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10 Nov 2024
@carcamusa2:matrix.orgCarcamusa joined the room.21:24:35
21 Nov 2024
@_slack_teamkodi_USRUDT3BR:matrix.orgStefano-CastagnaIT joined the room.08:36:11
@_slack_teamkodi_USRUDT3BR:matrix.orgStefano-CastagnaIT no dont support it 08:36:19
23 Nov 2024
@softwarepagan:matrix.orgThe Software PaganHi everyone - I'm having an issue with the YouTube addon. Suddenly, as of a couple days ago, virtually every video fails to play with a "This video is not available" error message. I am using the most current version of the addon installed via Zip from the Github page, on Kodi Omega on LibreELEC on a Raspberry Pi 4. Is anyone else having this issue or can anyone else help me with it? I tried updating InputStream Adaptive, I tried enabling alternative players, etc, and nothing seems to work19:15:57
@softwarepagan:matrix.orgThe Software PaganI looked at the logs and it doesn't seem to be an authentication/API error. In fact the logs give very little information at all about it and basically just say the video fails to play, something about "failing to fetch info"19:17:29
@softwarepagan:matrix.orgThe Software PaganNevermind I just saw on the forum that everyone is having this issue20:37:50
24 Nov 2024
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggyRedacted or Malformed Event22:41:48
27 Nov 2024
@bellodie:matrix.org@bellodie:matrix.org left the room.14:30:11
1 Dec 2024
@snapcase_:matrix.orgsnapcase_ joined the room.04:34:04
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrznoDoes anyone know of a project that aims to create the all-in-one Linux room entertainment system? ChimeraOS aims to create gaming console. LibreELEC is HTPC. Something that marries the two. Gaming, streaming, light web-surfing, local playback. 19:50:29
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrzno* Does anyone know of a project that aims to create the all-in-one Linux room entertainment system? ChimeraOS aims to create gaming console. LibreELEC is HTPC. Something that marries the two. Gaming, streaming, light web-surfing, casting, local playback. 19:50:58
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakLibreELEC can do all that IIRC20:52:12
7 Dec 2024
@thesparta:matrix.orgthesparta joined the room.23:29:34
8 Dec 2024
@thesparta:matrix.orgthespartawhat would be the reason behind the windows builds being stuck on python 3.8 ? I've been looking around on the xbmc repo and noticed it gets the build dependencies from here: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/build-deps/win32/ what would be the process of getting it updated to 3.12 so it's in parity with the other platforms for Piers ?14:30:20
@thesparta:matrix.orgthespartaRedacted or Malformed Event14:32:25
@_slack_teamkodi_U1433V9PW:matrix.orgwsnipex forward port all still necessary patches, update the cmake stuff, test 🙂 15:03:37
@_slack_teamkodi_U1433V9PW:matrix.orgwsnipex in short it's tedious and no windows dev is interested enough to do it 15:04:29
@thesparta:matrix.orgthespartathat's quite sad, there's newer python features we can't use because of it for example switch...case was added in 3.10, type parameter lists was added in 3.12 (...), and it'll also eventually become an issue due to deprecations on the platforms running a newer version, i would love to help but this is the first time I'm looking at kodi's source so I'm a bit lost16:15:11
@_slack_teamkodi_U1433V9PW:matrix.orgwsnipex I agree, but the proposal to handle windows dependencies like on all other platforms was refused, so it is what it is. 16:36:33
@_slack_teamkodi_U1433V9PW:matrix.orgwsnipex and the dev that invented the dependency handling on windows is inactive 16:40:57
11 Dec 2024
In reply to @thesparta:matrix.org
what would be the reason behind the windows builds being stuck on python 3.8 ? I've been looking around on the xbmc repo and noticed it gets the build dependencies from here: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/build-deps/win32/

what would be the process of getting it updated to 3.12 so it's in parity with the other platforms for Piers ?
python 3.9+ would drop windows 7
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover meh windows7. Do we really need support for that? 15:51:13
@thesparta:matrix.orgthesparta what's the current market share for windows 7 ? it can't be that high it's been ages since support got dropped by microsoft 15:51:58
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggyprobably not in something like kodi v22+ but if you did it in some minor version im sure you would hear rumbles15:52:00
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggythere is of course people still rocking xbmc (not even kodi)15:52:17
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover lol 15:52:31
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggypeople are sometimes horrible about updating, hence the whole win10+ force updating to try and solve that15:52:44
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggybumping system requirements is always a touchy subject for someone15:53:25
@thezoggy:matrix.orgthezoggysome people play the game of only supporting x major versions... or aligning with browsers.. its just hit and miss what makes sense for each project15:53:54
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover xb what? 15:55:13

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