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13 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagor It's for launching kodi from the TTY 14:21:35
@managor:matrix.orgManagor So that I can have my "headless" server and and media center in the same package 14:21:58
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakNo idea14:23:42
@managor:matrix.orgManagor I would have tried to use a transparent proxy to record a video demonstrating it but I'm at a loss on how to do it to the kodi user that the standalone service creates 14:24:59
@dscottboggs:matrix.orgScottWhy not just use LightDM with auto-login to Kodi as a DE?15:03:24
@managor:matrix.orgManagor Because I don't want a DE 15:48:02
@dscottboggs:matrix.orgScottBut you want Kodi. Which functions as a DE. 15:50:20
@dscottboggs:matrix.orgScott* But you want Kodi? Which functions as a DE. 15:50:32
@managor:matrix.orgManagor Yeah? I already have Kodi 15:50:54
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loveralso, is kodi flatpak using pipewire by default? it segfaults only sometimes, and crash logs aren't very informative.16:18:16
14 Apr 2024
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7 He means use lightdm to login to a kodi session Managor 18:24:53
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7that doesn't invovle any other desktop env besides kodi itself.18:25:41
@enigma9o7:envs.netenigma9o7No idea if that'll solve your issue tho, but thats the easy way to boot into kodi.18:26:52
15 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagorNo need. I already have a transparent proxy. The issue isn't that much of am issue either. The audio synchronizes pretty soon after launching04:35:53
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI'm guessing it's caused by the audio server being intialized at the same time as Kodi I guesa04:37:39
In reply to @bgtlover:stealthy.club
also, is kodi flatpak using pipewire by default? it segfaults only sometimes, and crash logs aren't very informative.
It does now
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover
In reply to @razzee:matrix.org
It does now
anyone else experienced a segfault? I can't find any other error, just...that it crashes and it gives me a crashlog in which nothing seemns to be wrong. I have to launch it multiple times sometimes from the launcher icon to get it to stick, no idea why it's like that
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverfurthermore, why is kodi's sink disappearing from pw-link when it isn't playing anything for a while? that causes my links to break, and that's not intended behaviour for me11:08:44
@razzee:matrix.orgrazzeno idea, haven't done the implementation, probably worth an issue11:11:03
@razzee:matrix.orgrazzehaven't seen segfaults11:11:13
@razzee:matrix.orgrazzedid you try starting from terminal?11:11:37
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover
In reply to @razzee:matrix.org
did you try starting from terminal?
that's how I know it segfaults
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverbecause logs don't show anything as critical14:40:54
18 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagorMan kodi turns off hdmi connection completely after 5 minutes. Any idea how to fix this?22:42:14
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak Managor: you probably need to give more info 23:03:52
@managor:matrix.orgManagorKodi is running with standalone service.23:05:08
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI'm not sure what info can be helpful23:05:35
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakOn Linux? What window system?23:05:53
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakDid you check the power management settings in Kodi?23:06:37

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