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14 May 2022
@_discord_915939588856479785:t2bot.iogonzo changed their display name from gonzo#8707 to gonzo.20:25:36
@_discord_915939588856479785:t2bot.iogonzo seems like that currently everything is down. tried to skip linkvertise with other sites and nothing is currently working. 20:25:37
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton Crowd Bypass server's up and running 21:00:46
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Hello, I submitted a pull request to resolve the issue I opened, review/any help with it would be appreciated. 21:01:08
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton linkvertise does seem to be broken though 21:01:18
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton the changes are fine 21:02:16
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton but you could make you commit messages more descriptive 21:03:18
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton like "add more sites to IP logger list" 21:03:37
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Retroactively change the message, is that something that I can do 21:03:54
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Let me try 21:04:15
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton you can do that on git 21:04:34
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton desktop 21:04:35
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Please check again and see if it is more descriptive now 21:04:43
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton idk about github's web interface 21:04:46
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton it is 21:05:03
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Thank you 21:05:18
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton thank you for the contribution 21:05:41
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 I use google chrome, how does that work in terms of updating it with the new information 21:05:59
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton right now, all platforms auto update every hour 21:06:33
@_discord_881083592648843294:t2bot.ioNotAProton you can click the update button on the settings if you want the new definitions now 21:07:12
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Sure let me try that 21:07:24
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Ah yes it works 21:08:15
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Thank you 21:08:17
@_discord_359174224809689089:t2bot.iounknown81311#0707 joined the room.21:13:07
@_discord_359174224809689089:t2bot.iounknown81311#0707 linkvertise.com doesnt work or doesnt work anymore? 21:13:07
@_discord_359174224809689089:t2bot.iounknown81311#0707 * linkvertise.com doesnt work anymore? 21:13:35
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Submitted another pull request correcting a typo that I saw when I submitted my last pull request. 21:26:07
@_discord_359174224809689089:t2bot.iounknown81311#0707 ? 21:41:48
@_discord_456527777064288256:t2bot.ioGrossley#2869 Unrelated to your thing 21:42:05
@_discord_359174224809689089:t2bot.iounknown81311#0707Redacted or Malformed Event21:42:15

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