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17 May 2022
@_discord_482721238679289889:t2bot.ioBs_zombie Then you can just click the link in #🧩┃get-fastforward 01:44:36
@_discord_451467812641177611:t2bot.ioMatador#5075 Not exactly, since Mozilla for some reason doesn't want you to add extensions on Android clicking in one button on their website so you need to enable Developer Options, use a Custom Collection and so you can install FastForward 13:01:23
@_discord_451467812641177611:t2bot.ioMatador#5075 Here is a guide that explains more on how to make that: https://github.com/FastForwardTeam/FastForward/blob/main/INSTALLING.md#android 13:01:37
@_discord_488688724948025357:t2bot.iodankcoder#0 joined the room.15:59:49
@_discord_488688724948025357:t2bot.iodankcoder#0 does FastForward intentionally disable CSP headers? 15:59:49
@_discord_488688724948025357:t2bot.iodankcoder#0 i had a problem where scripts embedded in svg's would execute, disabling fastforward fixed it 16:01:18
@_discord_488688724948025357:t2bot.iodankcoder#0 demo https://svg.digi.ninja/svg_with_csp.php 16:03:40
@_discord_482721238679289889:t2bot.ioBs_zombie Oh yeah my bad haha 19:47:36
@_discord_564470061935624202:t2bot.iofun840#0808 joined the room.21:42:48
@_discord_564470061935624202:t2bot.iofun840#0808 is there any way to disable bypasses for specific sites? 21:42:48
@_discord_427192372644806698:t2bot.ioCake... Its Just Cake? joined the room.21:42:49
@_discord_564470061935624202:t2bot.iofun840#0808 I feel like that's almost definitely a feature, or at least definitely has been asked before, but I can't find it anywhere 21:43:08
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr Not as far as I know 21:47:50
18 May 2022
@_discord_129640856469766144:t2bot.ioVeriex joined the room.05:03:17
@_discord_129640856469766144:t2bot.ioVeriex reposting from general since it seems to belong here: I'm using the latest version v.1992 on firefox but linkvertise doesn't seem to be getting bypassed. Not sure what the expected behavior is supposed to be (first time using the app), but I navigate to a linkvertise link and am not redirected. I tried a few of the links in the FAQ (like the adfly link) and was successfully redirected to google 05:07:29
@_discord_129640856469766144:t2bot.ioVeriex * reposting from general since it seems to belong here: I'm using the latest version v.1992 on firefox but linkvertise doesn't seem to be getting bypassed. Not sure what the expected behavior is supposed to be (first time using the app), but I navigate to a linkvertise link and am not redirected. I tried a few of the links in the FAQ (like the adfly link) and was successfully redirected to google

Update: I think the issue is when it's an actual file/text hosted on linkvertise - the content of the file is just undefined. Here's an example: https://linkvertise.com/152000/leanswappertrix/1
@_discord_963439051246026752:t2bot.ioeg67uj8o joined the room.18:21:27
@_discord_963439051246026752:t2bot.ioeg67uj8o Same for me with Firefox. If linkvertise link include a text extension does not work, just gives a blank window. It works fine with extension disabled.

Tested with https://direct-link.net/410906/may18

enabled https://images2.imgbox.com/88/a1/tjfgFLxS_o.jpg
disabled https://images2.imgbox.com/ea/67/KU7iXteb_o.jpg
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr That is the Firefox issue I encountered, they return that the item is a paste but not a download so you don't get redirected 18:25:25
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr If you use another browser it does redirect you to the download part of linkvertise😩 18:25:46
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr The box is empty because their own apo call returns a 404😫 18:26:21
@_discord_129640856469766144:t2bot.ioVeriex Oh, this is a Firefox specific issue then? 18:34:53
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr Sofar from what I found.. yes 19:18:22
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr Even my Firefox without the extension had that behaviour 19:18:42
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr Gotta figure out if I can make a fix for it or if it's impossible to get browser specifics 19:18:48
@_discord_392085376300220427:t2bot.ioNova joined the room.19:27:22
@_discord_392085376300220427:t2bot.ioNova I hit it with both firefox and chrome yesterday 19:27:23
@_discord_930881029068169257:t2bot.ioreashetyr 🤔 that's odd, I will install chrome tomorrow and run some tests 19:32:07
19 May 2022
@_discord_418299554128199693:t2bot.iojulius joined the room.00:20:19
@_discord_723767692783386686:t2bot.iolegendlife joined the room.00:21:34

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