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16 Apr 2024
@s1341:matrix.orgs1341develop branch v3.0.0-beta.308:02:56
jcromero@missandei:~/src/asciinema$ target/debug/asciinema -V
asciinema 3.0.0-beta.3
jcromero@missandei:~/src/asciinema$ target/debug/asciinema stream --help
Stream a terminal session

Usage: asciinema stream [OPTIONS]

  -I, --input                      Enable input capture
  -c, --command <COMMAND>          Command to stream [default: $SHELL]
  -l, --listen-addr <LISTEN_ADDR>  HTTP server listen address [default:]
      --tty-size <COLSxROWS>       Override terminal size for the session
      --log-file <LOG_FILE>        Log file path
      --server-url <SERVER_URL>    asciinema server URL
  -q, --quiet                      Quiet mode, i.e. suppress diagnostic messages
  -h, --help                       Print help
jcromero@missandei:~/src/asciinema$ target/debug/asciinema stream -s -c tmux
error: unexpected argument '-s' found

Usage: asciinema stream [OPTIONS]

For more information, try '--help'.
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroSorry for the noise08:05:27
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroTrying debug version, not release one08:05:37
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroAnd the built was not updated08:05:59
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroWorking fine08:06:46
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ik you can forget about tst then, I’ll archive the repo 08:12:25
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroYes, deleting my local repo, indeed08:12:42
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromero ku1ik: Is the STREAM-ID for forwarding through asciinema.org already published somewhere? 08:42:00
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikah, I knew it's not going to be long until someone asks about that :)08:42:36
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikso this ID is just the unique token from the stream URL page08:43:00
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroDon't worry, I have it (if you remember) 😉08:43:22
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikah, no, not the secret producer one I sent you earlier. just the one you see in the browser URL bar08:43:58
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikthe public one08:44:04
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikif you don't specify it then the server uses your default stream. by default every user has one stream, but you could have more, and in that case you would want to specify to which you want to stream08:45:16
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ik say, you use one to live stream htop from your server, infinitely, and you use another one for teaching 08:45:48
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikcurrently there's no way to create additional stream from the UI, I can create those upon request manually08:46:29
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroHmmmmm, I'm not seeing then the token you are talking about08:46:45
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroIn my profile page?08:46:58
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ik when you run asciinema stream -r it will print the URL to view the stream - this is the URL which has this stream id 08:47:48
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromeroOK, now I'm seeing it08:48:14
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikthe ID is not a number but a random token, just like with uploaded recordings08:48:33
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromero It's really easy now. A lot easier than tst 08:48:51
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ikyeah, tst was just a proof of concept, and not user-friendly08:49:28
@ku1ik:matrix.orgku1ik * currently there's no way to create additional streams from the UI, I can create those upon request manually08:50:15
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromero Now, I only have to wait my IP to be unbanned in asciinema.org because of my failed tries 08:50:27

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