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17 Feb 2024
@monkey:tomesh.net@monkey:tomesh.net left the room.09:11:07
5 Dec 2016
@null_radix:matrix.org@null_radix:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".19:57:22
@null_radix:matrix.org@null_radix:matrix.org matrix address to this room is #metamask:matrix.org
@null_radix:matrix.org@null_radix:matrix.org preview here https://riot.im/app/#/room/#metamask:matrix.org
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiep joined the room.20:14:21
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepkumavis danfinlay meet amin1 he’s probably not online right now but he is a student at DBC. He is very interested in the ethereum eco system and is using truffle to build his dapp and just learned of the awesomeness of metamask injecting web320:14:22
@_slack_metamask_U08425TN0:matrix.orgkumavisamin1 hello/20:15:23
@kumavis:matrix.orgkumavis joined the room.20:15:43
@kumavis:matrix.orgkumavistesting matrix->metamask20:15:58
@_slack_metamask_U08425TN0:matrix.orgkumavishaha im all squished20:16:11
@_slack_metamask_U08425TN0:matrix.orgkumaviswhen we do the ipfs/eth/metamask hackathon maybe we can go visit amazon’s new store if its open then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc&feature=youtu.be20:19:29
@_slack_metamask_U08425TN0:matrix.orgkumavis set a profile picture.20:19:29
@null_radix:matrix.org@null_radix:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.20:21:55
@null_radix:matrix.org@null_radix:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.20:22:20
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepwhen is it that the ipfs hackathon?20:27:39
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepthinking of coming out20:27:49
@_slack_metamask_U08425TN0:matrix.orgkumavisyeah y’all should if you can20:28:01
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepmaybe plan it around my birthday? :}20:28:24
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepfrankies b-day party && ips hackathon?!20:29:16
@_slack_metamask_U0GQPDEEQ:matrix.orgfrankiepid come out for that20:29:37
@_slack_metamask_U0XR198CD:matrix.orgdanfinlay joined the room.21:09:17
@_slack_metamask_U0XR198CD:matrix.orgdanfinlayYeah I'd def be in for that21:09:17
@_slack_metamask_U0XR198CD:matrix.orgdanfinlayWelcome amin1! What'd you make for dbc?21:09:43
@_slack_metamask_U39JQRWSD:matrix.orgamin1 joined the room.22:06:32
@_slack_metamask_U39JQRWSD:matrix.orgamin1Hi danfinlay kumavis, just made a very simple Dapp where I can add & display items in a list. I've been interested in the ecosystem since 2015, so it was great getting my feet wet with truffle & metamask (now that I finally know how to program - sort of). I graduate from DBC this month & am looking forward to making more d'appareils - Thank you for your work! 22:06:32
@_slack_metamask_U39JQRWSD:matrix.orgamin1More dapps*22:06:51

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