

2 Members
2 Servers

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30 Apr 2019
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasek changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".15:49:44
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasek changed the history visibility to "shared" from "world_readable".15:49:46
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasek changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".15:49:47
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasek invited @gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org.15:50:29
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasekchanged room power levels.15:50:30
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org joined the room.15:50:30
6 May 2019
@gitter_tomsik68:matrix.org@gitter_tomsik68:matrix.org joined the room.03:06:15
@gitter_tomsik68:matrix.org@gitter_tomsik68:matrix.org Hi guys,
I was thinking about changing the required java version to Java 8. I want to do some refactoring of the API to use more lambdas, optional types, streams and whatnot.
I'm not talking about breaking the API, just internal changes.
So, does anyone still require JRE 7?
@tomsik68:matrix.orgTomas Jasek btw if anyone here uses matrix, this chat room is now integrated with matrix room. feel free to join also there: #mclauncher-api:matrix.org 03:09:47
14 Jun 2019
@gitter_followtm:matrix.org@gitter_followtm:matrix.org joined the room.20:12:24
@gitter_followtm:matrix.org@gitter_followtm:matrix.org @tomsik68 can i run forge instance with your api? 20:12:25
15 Jun 2019
@gitter_xenopyax:matrix.org@gitter_xenopyax:matrix.org joined the room.08:40:54

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