
_Labs - Theory

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20 Oct 2023
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Cascadia.xyz to Negabot.00:00:04
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Negabot to ZOGbot.00:42:57
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from ZOGbot to Negabot.01:03:48
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Negabot to All-purpose bot.01:18:44
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from All-purpose bot to Negabot.01:24:41
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Negabot to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.01:42:12
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to [=] YAGPDB.02:06:11
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from [=] YAGPDB to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.02:16:43
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to All-purpose bot.02:23:09
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from All-purpose bot to [-] YAGPDB.xyz.02:58:43
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from [-] YAGPDB.xyz to Negabot.04:12:14
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Negabot to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.04:30:32
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to Beyond All Reason Helper.04:40:36
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Beyond All Reason Helper to YAGPDB.xyz [-].04:43:52
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz [-] to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.04:47:01
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to YAGPDB.xyz [-].04:51:27
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz [-] to Bot Bot.05:26:55
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Bot Bot to {-} zyx.BDPGAY.06:23:34
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from {-} zyx.BDPGAY to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.06:32:49
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to All-purpose bot.07:29:20
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from All-purpose bot to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.07:39:58
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to YAGPDB.xyz [-].07:46:27
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz [-] to All-purpose bot.07:56:23
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from All-purpose bot to [-] YAGPDB.xyz.08:04:50
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from [-] YAGPDB.xyz to Beyond All Reason Helper.08:58:11
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Beyond All Reason Helper to YAGPDB.xyz#8760.09:02:31
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz#8760 to YAGPDB.xyz [-].10:11:29
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from YAGPDB.xyz [-] to ACAB (ça inclut les psys et RP).11:13:27
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from ACAB (ça inclut les psys et RP) to Bot Bot.11:24:58
@_discord_204255221017214977:t2bot.ioYAGPDB.xyz changed their display name from Bot Bot to Beyond All Reason Helper.11:47:31

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